Shooting the Lobster pots

Lobster pots are a very useful and efficient way of catching lobsters.They are strong and able to withstand the currents and breakers(sometimes!!)The pot needs to be as heavy as possible because research shows that if a pot moves on the bottom a lobster is less likely to enter the pt as they are clever and will not go into the pot.lobsters have very fast reflexes and can literally dart away from the pot if their suspicion is aroused.The most modern lobster pots have soft-eye mouths in them.This is an ingenious way of catching them as once the lobster goes into the pot he is trapped and cannot escape (provided there is no hole large enough in the pot for them to escape). When the pots are being put on the ropes it is important to have an appropriate disiance between the pots as to allow yourself plenty of time to clean and rebait them between pots.It is also important for when pots get snagged or so there isn't as much pressure on the hauler when hauling the pots.Here is how the pots should look on the bottom.

When the pots are shot(thrown out again) they have to be thrown out so that they will land on the bottom of the pot.

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