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About Isisdownunder
I'd like to share a little about myself...
I am Isisdownunder.  I live Down Under in Queensland Australia.
I am of no particular faith - rather I like to call myself Ecclectic ( a little bit from here and a bit from there).  I have strong Buddhist, Wiccan and Christian beliefs and use those as the basis of my ecclecticism.  I am a Reiki  Master/Healer in Usui Reiki and Voilet Flame Reiki.  I imbue the few products I sell with reiki healing energies and Kuan Yin qualities.
I was given my spiritual name 'Padmapani Devi Lisa Scott' by my Sensi, Devi Clara Llum who is currently training me  in Kuan Yin Reiki. I am very proud of this Initiate Name for it shows and honours Kuan Yin Bodhisattva. 'Padmapani' is one of Kuan Yin's many names and 'Devi' is the Sanskrit word for Goddess.
I believe that all Kuan Yin related things presented in all my sites should be FREE, there are no costs involved anywhere!  When teaching and sharing information or practises of Kuan Yin no one should charge unless it is a specialised treatment like Reiki, hands on healing or a tarot reading. Why pay for meditations when there are free ones here?  Why pay for prayers and poetry, when there are free ones here. In the true spirit of Kuan Yin I share all these things freely as she would do..
I am a Tarot Reader by profession.
I am 39 years of age, married with one son aged 11.
I have a variety of hobbies - all things crafty, all music (I sing and play a variety of instruments), I also like writing poetry.
As the Dalai Lama himself has said -
My religion is simple, my religion is kindness".
That sums me up really.
I hope all who have visited my 5 Kuan Yin sites and my Yahoo Club 'The Kuan Yin Association' leave those pages and start on a journey to find their own peace and love in their life.
Brightest Blessings,
11th September, 2006.
Click on above link to Email Isisdownunder ..
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