Kuan Yin Rituals and Invocations Page 1
Here I have a variety of Kuan Yin Rituals and Invocations, some are Buddhist, some New Age, some Wiccan. Again please let me stress you just find what 'feels' right for you.
I myself, am comfortable with all these....
Kuan Yin Ritual

What you'll need : -  A picture or Statue of Kuan Yin
A GOLD candle, the gold candle represents the Goddess
And a cushion to sit on .
On a small table place the pic or statue of Kuan Yin and a Gold candle within the line of you eye.
Some also prefer to burn insence whilst doing this.
Also you could offer some gifts from nature to Kuan Yin like flowers and seed pods etc.

Now.. light the Gold candle.
SIt on a cushion in Lotus position and gaze into the light of the candle.
Repeat the name Kuan Yin, over and over, like a chant.  When you believe
you feel her presence, concentrate on your problem or ailment and say :-
"Kuan Yin I ask for your assistance,
To rid all ________________ from me,
Thankyou for all your help and love,
Today and always!"
Focus on the problem a while longer, then, when you feel suitable time has elapsed, thank Kuan Yin for her assistance and help, and blow out the gold candle.
Please Note:~~ The Gold Candle should only be used when you are invoking the Goddess not for your next dinner party!!
Kuan Yin Invocation 2
Goddess of Compassion,
You who are all to me,
All that is,
And all that shall be.

Come, Eternal Protector!
Come as the scent of sacred Lotus,
With love and compassion,
Do be with me now, I pray!
Oh Blessed Kuan Yin.
Kuan Yin Invocation 3
This is an adaption of the Catholic Hail Mary, but beautiful none the less...
Holy Mother full of grace, power is with thee
Blessed are you, Queen of the Universe, and blessed is all of creation,
Holy Mother, Maker of all things,
Be with me now and always....
Email Isisdownunder
Kuan Yin Invocation 4

You are eternal, blissful, aware
Come to me now
Comfort despair
Beyond hope, beyond sickness
So full of fears
Come to me now
Fill my heart
Take away my tears
My Goddess,my Sister
My Advocate, my friend
Your name insurmountable
Mercy, Compassion
Kuan Shih Yin.
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