Kuan Yin's Altar
Welcome to Kuan Yin's Altar.
Come in and take a moment here in the quiet with Kuan Yin.
This is a time and place this Sacred, away from life's pressures.
Give thanks for all you have, say a prayer, make a wish or just sit and soak up the peaceful, loving atmosphere. 
Spend some time with Kuan Yin in her Presence and Sanctuary...
Click here to visit Lisa' s www.sacreddream.com website ..
The song you hear playing is 'Kuan Yin' by Lisa Thiel.  Let Lisa's song help invoke Kuan Yin into your life today and everyday..
To learn more about Lisa Thiel and her music please click on the link below..
Holy Kuan Yin
Her very name is holy
And powerful as thunder over water
There is nothing else so powerful
We bow our heads to her
May her glance be compassionate
And her blessings be infinite
In reverence, we bow our heads .
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Mother I sing this song for you
I see your smile in the Silver Moon
I feel your heartbeat in the Earth,
The flame, the Air, the Sea, the Stone,
These hold your glory.
Your beauty untamed.
I feel your love in my workings
Be they work, poem or song.
I feel you in my life each day.
In labour, laughter and sorrow,
In loving and dreaming, thou art there.
You are with me always,
My thanks to you Blessed Kuan Yin
My praise to you great Goddess
My love to you Eternal Mother ...

Namo Kuan Shih Yin Pu Sa
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