Kwan Yin and the Rainbow  Dragon Meditation by Padmapani Devi
(Adapted from Meditation of Union with Kwan Yin by Patricia Mathes Cane, Ph.D).
Close your eyes and relax your entire body.  Focus on your breathing.  Feel the rise and fall of each breath. Breathe deeply and let go of all your thoughts and emotions. Imagine that it is night time, and you stand before a peaceful, relaxing ocean, the full Moon is just rising into the night sky. 
The full moon shines on the peaceful sea which clearly mirrors the moon. You begin to feel a deep heartfelt peace as this imagery fills your soul.

Now focus on the moon itself, as you watch, Kwan Yin herself appears, her whole body radiant with the love and compassion she feels for you.  She sees deeply into your heart and soul and smiles with total and unconditional love for you.  She sees all your thoughts, feelings, anger, hurt, questions, fears and problems and then she smiles again, giving you what you need to be like her, filled with compassion, unconditional love and light.  As your soul calls out to her, her being becomes one with your soul, take a few moments with her, calling out, one soul to another, one heart to another, calling out for her divine compassion and receiving the grace and light of her smile.

You are now filled with this divine spirit of unconditional love and compassion, Kwan Yin invites you to join her on a Rainbow Dragon flight.  There is no fear, how can you be afraid when you are with the Bodhisattva herself?  Together you climb onto the most beautiful rainbow dragon straight out of an oriental fairytale, and both of you fly up into the night sky.  You see the ocean below with the moon's reflection still shining so beautifully.  Kwan Yin and the Rainbow Dragon show you the planet Earth, first from a distance as a shining blue jewel in the dark sky, and then gradually you slowly move closer, to see the entire human race as family, with eyes of unconditional love, deep understanding, and compassion.

As you move around the planet, you see your own blood family, and then children of all nationalities, of all ages, and then people in every culture and place imaginable in our world.
Take a few moments moving from village to town to city to jungle to desert to refugee camp, seeing deeply the same human lives, human struggles, the fragile, the strong, the teachers, the students, the wonderful beings we call human beings.

Imagine that with Kwan Yin's help, you are able to reach out in love and healing, awakening a new heart in the family of mankind.  Now imagine that Kwan Yin gives you a gift, a talisman, a symbol of your life work and your contribution as part of the human race.  You take the gift with honour, gratitude and joy.

Kwan Yin then turns to you and says, "Look at your hands, they are now my hands, working through you.  Take my heart, this is now your heart embracing all beings.  You are now my presence to all those around you each and every day. Use them wisely and with unconditional love always".  Deep honour, gratitude and peace well up within you as you joyfully accept Kwan Yin's gift.  And after a few more moments, the Rainbow Dragon returns you to the the shore, and terrafirma below.  Kwan Yin smiles one last smile at you and slowly again merges into the moon and the moonlight.  You stand on the shoreline once again, with your newfound strength and beauty beholding the moon on the water, knowing that you will NEVER again be alone.

Take a moment more and when you are ready focus on your breathing once again, breathe deeply, slowly become aware of the feelings in your body, wriggle your fingers and toes, and stretch your arms and shoulders to bring yourself fully back into your body.  Feel this new found peace, joy, unconditional love and compassion for yourself and for all beings always ....

Copyright PadmapaniDevi 2006
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