Kuan Yin Prayer for the Dead & Fertility Prayer
Kuan Yin Prayer for the Dead

Divine Mother Kuan Yin,
Please take the soul of ______________, my dear departed one,
into the sweetest corner of your mind,
The most tender place in your heart,
That she and I might be comforted.

For now she has gone, and I pray,
Beloved Mother Kuan Yin, for the strength to remember she has not gone far.

For she is with you and shall remain so forever.
She remains within me, for we are all in you together.

The chord that binds us one to the other cannot be cut, surely not by death.
For you dearest Kuan Yin, have bought us together, and we remain in eternal connection.

There is no power greater than your love.
Death is not your master, nor mine.
These things I believe and ask my heart to register.

I surrender to you Beloved Mother Kuan Yin, my grief.
I surrender to you Beloved Mother Kuan Yin, my pain.
Please take care of your servant ______________, my dear one who has passed.
And please Divine Mother Kuan Yin, take care of me.
Kuan Yin Fertility Prayer

Great Bodhisattva, Blessed Mother Kuan Yin,
I pray ye, help me to be fertile,
I pray ye, help me to be fruitful,
I pray ye, help me to conceive a healthy child,
I ask this with all of my heart,
I ask this with my body and soul,
I ask this in your holy name,
So be it! Blessed Be! Amen!
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