Prayer Wheels and Mani Stones
One of the benefits of prayer wheels is to benefit sentient (earth bound) beings. One turn of the wheel is the full equivalent of saying the 'Om mani padme hum' mantra in it's entirity.  So one turn of the wheel is one Manta.  The more the wheel is turned, the more times that mantra is projected or sent for you. Turning the prayer wheel once is the same as many years of retreat/repentance.
It is said simply touching a prayer wheel is cleansing and removes bad karma, negatives and impurities.
It is also said that prayer wheels stop harm from spirits and other beings, so it stops disease and is a wonderful tool to use in healing practices. You visualise white shafts of healing coming from the mantras on the prayer wheel coming into you and healing you.
For added power you can also verbally say 'Om Mani Padme Hum' whilst turning the prayer wheel.
The Mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum' invokes the physical and spiritual blessings of Chenrezig/Kuan Yin the embodiments of compassion.
Even the Dalai Lama has said it is good to have an animated prayer wheel on your computer, in his opinion it is the same principle as the real thing, and just as beneficial.
Om Mani Padme Hum
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Hand Held Prayers Wheels
(You can buy them on the net)
Mani Stones

Mani Stones are similar to Prayer Wheels they are hand made and carved in Tibet and are used to read the 'Om Mani Padme Hum' mantras.  Reading them invokes Chenrezig's blessings and these are a great tool in your worship/prayer practises.  One side of the stone is engraved with the Compassionate Eyes of Buddha and the other with 'Om Mani Padme Hum'.
Large Mani Rocks such as the one above are found all over the Himalayas and Tibet.
Large Prayer Wheels are turned as you pass them. They are found in temples the world over...
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