I have found Prayers and Chants to Kuan Yin difficult to find.  So if you have
any that I haven't shown here please email me, so I can add them.

Not all of these are buddhist prayers, some I've adapted from other prayers I have found..
Kuan Yin Prayers and Chants
Traditional Chant to Kuan Yin

The following phrase said over and over has been used to invoke Kuan Yin for many centuries.  Loosely translated it means - "I call upon the bodhisattva who sees and hears the sufferings of the world!"

"Namo Guan Shih Yin Pu-Sa"
Prayer to the Bodhisattva
by Rabindranath Tagore

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain
but for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield
but to my own strength.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved
but hope for patience to win my freedom.
Incense Lighting Offering

Bringing a stick of incense to one's forehead three (3) times, we honor the three treasures : the Buddah, the Dharma and the Sangha.

"I offer this incense to the Buddha" (first raising)
"I offer this incense to the Dharma" (second raising)
"I offer this incense to the Sangha" (third raising)

The incense is then placed in the Incense bowl while reciting :-
"Shanti, Shanti, Shanti " (peace, peace, peace).

Daily Devotion
Goddess of the skies,
Please respond to my cries.
Lift me up in your strong arms,
Away from those who seek to harm.
Shield me from that awful rage,
That shall face me day to day.
Help me be strong in what I do,
And help my heart to remain true.
Give me strength to face each day.
And the hardships before me lain.
Let those who I love - love me in return,
And everyday let me learn.
I bid you Kuan Yin my spirit keep,
While I'm awake and asleep.

Morning Prayer

Oh Gracious Goddess,
Lend me strength, health and love,
During this coming day.
Assist me with the challenges ahead,
Share your devine wisdom.
Teach me to respect all things,
And remind me that the greatest gift of all is Love....
Onto Prayers and Chants Page 2...
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