Kuan Yin saved my life.  For 5 years I was addicted to Heroin.
I knew I was going to die from the addiction.  In 1999 I struggled to get off the Heroin.  I was in and out of 12 different Rehabs and Detox Centres.  As soon as I was released I was out to 'score' again.
One day in 1999 I was in a bookstore and for some reason I went to the Buddhism section.  I was so fascinated with the way of the Buddha that I haven't stopped reading about Buddhism since that day. 
I read about Kuan Yin and started putting what I knew into practice (Mantra Chanting, Prostrations, Offerings etc), and since that very first time I heard of Kuan Yin, my life has been amazing!
I have been clean from Heroin and all other intoxicants for 2 years now and my life has never been better!
I now have my own Centre where every day I help people.  I am now a Tibetan/Usui Reiki Master, Raindrop Therapist, I do Accupressure, Shiatsu, Reflexology and I teach many different forms of Meditation (Zazen, Tibetan, Basic Meditation, Deity Yoga and more).
Every day I wear Kuan Yin around my neck, so her beautiful face is over my heart, to remind me to be full of Compassion everyday.
I have seen many sites about Kuan Yin on the net, but there is a sincere love for Kuan Yin emanating from your site, thankyou.

Kevin A White
The Circle of Zen Buddhist Meditation & Training Centre
Lisa is a good woman, with a big heart.
Many people, across the globe
Owe her a great debt of gratitude for the important works she does for the Kuan Yin Association.

With an open heart and a whole lot of work, Lisa has created the premiere meeting place in cyber-space for the devotees of the Buddha of Compassion.

Some come to this place curious,
Some come to this place victorious,
Some come to this place wounded and hurting,
To all she extends her arms wide in a loving hug.

We count ourselves fortunate to have found the Buddha of Compassion,
Let us also count ourselves fortunate to have found her sweet emissary.

May every being accomplish Chen-re-zig in THIS life!

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrike
Tibetan-Buddhist: Monk, Teacher, Healer and Tantrika.
to visit Lama Jigme's Myspace site
and read some of his teachings
Lama Jigme Gyatso
I purchased a new car.  I just had to have a very special symbol for protection and safety, something hanging or just resting inside the car.
I didn't have anyone or anything in mind.  After several days I remembered a Goddess named Kwan something.  It felt right.  I just had to find this Goddess.  I looked in a book store - no Kwan Goddess.  By chance I asked a friend if she knew of a Chinese Goddess names Kwan, she then told me about KUAN YIN, an Asian goddess.
I looked on the internet and found Isisdownunder's incredible site with the most magnificent pictures as well as information that confirmed what I was feeling.
Kuan Yin in a beautiful carved crystal now hangs from my mirror.  She is so beautiful and in my life. 
I am grateful for the time and effort Isisdownunder so lovingly put into this wonderous site.
Thankyou so much,
Los Angeles.
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