Kuan Yin Words to Live By

I found these verses on an antique Kuan Yin wall hanging in Ebay.  I trust they are translated correctly.  Either way, there are wise words to live by ..


The love parents have towards their children is as deep as the ocean, therefore, do not forget them.
Giving birth to and taking care of children is life's cycle, from Ancient times til now they are still the same.
Children should love thier parents, if not, even heaven will go against you.
A boy who comes from a poor family has more opportunities to show his love for his parents, even birds know their parents feed them.
Father And Son are the same flesh and blood, if they do not love each other, who should they love?
To raise a child - do not ask anything in return only wish him to be successful in life.
A man should not look down on his wife because she is not a beauty, and a woman should not look down on her husband because he is poor.
Rich or poor is one's fate, spouses should be sincere with each other.
Yin and Yang crate a perfect picture, and harmony within the home will elminate disaster.
Living together in peace throughout thick and thin, even when the weather is cold outside, there is plenty of warmth in your heart.
Karma glues spouses together, cherish the happy days while they last.
Women should avoid gossiping, so as not to attract troubles.
Disharmony can split the home and fighting wounds the heart.
In-las should be kind to each other and not speak ill of the family.
Use role models and avoid using words to hurt other people.
Siblings are sprung from the same roots, therefore do not fight among each other.
People will give praises if you lead an honest life.
Be careful with friends you make, avoid bad company.
Restrict the intake of wine and foods and help those who are hungry when you can.
Even the richest family: if they do not know the virtues of being frugal, their wealth will not last.
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