Padmapani Devi's Blog
Namaste'and welcome beloveds ...
21 May 2006

It's been a rough week.  I've had to deal with an old friends crap yet again, but THIS time I decided NO MORE!

I refuse to be dictated to, put down, used and spoken to like I am a slave. Now I know Kuan Yin would handle things differently , so I suppose my enlightenment is still a ways off.  After 6 years of it, I just decided this week NO MORE!!!! NEVER!!

So I severed all internet ties on all levels everywhere I go.  It was a lot of work but now my spirit is at rest for I know I shall not be used again.

This person's dreams will never become reality they will fail as they usually do.

Now I know this sounds rough but it is, it was horrid but I know have new beginnings. A fresh start, I will not be sucked into the mire...

Love and Light



2006-05-20 21:42:09 GMT
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