Padmapani Devi's Blog
Namaste'and welcome beloveds ...
14 June 2006 Kuan Yin Enlightenment Cards

Back in December 2003, I decided there were no tarot or oracle card decks totally dedicated to Kuan Yin.  Asian Goddess of Compassion and Mercy.

I channelled Kuan Yin and asked her to help me design and make a complete deck.  Within a few days (I cannot believe how quickly it came together), the Kuan Yin Enlightenment Card Deck was born.

It is an oracle deck rather similar to Doreen Virtue's Angel Cards.  As yet I have not been able to market these cards, but I do share them with members of my Kuan Yin Association Yahoo Group on a mailing list.  Once a week they receive their message for the week.

I have decided to share the deck here in yahoo 360 as well.  Each Monday morning I shall place a newly chosen card in my blogger.

This week's card is "BE STILL" and it's meaning with a simple meditation is listed below...

If you wish to be added to the Enlightenment Card list please email me and include your name and email address at [email protected]

Padmapani Devi

Be StillKuan Yin simply asks you to be still.  Be still and listen..


So often with our day to day lives we are dreadfully busy. Work, play, family, kids, friends, home duties, shopping, school etc.


All of us are busy people, these days, not too many can say they have nothing to do or that they are bored.


In those trying times, the times when you cannot even seem to stop to draw breath, that is the time that Kuan Yin and spirit want to remind you to stop, be still, and listen.


We are always being told things by spirit, words of wisdom, precognitive information, or even just that little feeling you get that you shouldn’t do that!  But, because we are so busy we don’t have the time to listen.  We push those thoughts away.  A quick example, my son had severe reflux and one night I was told over and over to go to him NOW!  I kept putting it off saying I want to watch this thing on TV he is fine!  Or not now! Not Now!  The little voice didn’t let up so finally I headed off to my son’s room.  As always I grabbed an icecream bucket for him to be ill in, and sure enough at that moment he sat up because I woke him and projectile vomited.  (Yucky I know) sorry.  But I was later told but a very special and powerful clairvoyant that if I hadn’t gone to him that night he would’ve drowned. The point of the story???  Be still and listen!! J


Usually as with my son the warnings are so strong you cannot deny them, but in the normal day to day we have to deliberately be still and listen.


Kuan Yin asks us to find only a few minutes a day to go to your sacred space and just sit and listen, see if anything comes through for you. Whether it is from Kuan Yin herself, God, the angels, your spirit guide or your own intuition that is not the point.  The point is to stop and listen…



“Be still and know that I am God!” --Psalm 46:10


For today’s meditation you can use your meditation time to simple be still and listen.  If you are struggling to hear something…. Simply ask Kuan Yin or spirit to tell you what you need to know. And of course, when you are finished thank Kuan Yin or spirit for their time.

Copyright Lisa Scott 2003.


2006-06-14 03:17:12 GMT
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