Padmapani Devi's Blog
Namaste'and welcome beloveds ...
22 June 2006

Well today is the 6 month anniversary of Mum's passing.  We went and visited her at the crematorium... I coped... I didn't cry there.  But later in the day I've noticed I am really wired and any little thing puts me 'near' tears.  I will probably have a bawl when I go to bed tonight or something.

It is just the missing of her in my daily life - the phone calls, the visits, the laughter and advice that can never be replaced.

Sometimes I wonder how Dad and I got through this at all.

On a cheerier note a fav pic of us all in happier times...

Love and Light

Padmapani Devi

2006-06-22 06:33:07 GMT
Comments (2 total)
hi padma,im truly thinking of you on this day it must me so diffitcult.but im guessing you seem to be a strong willed women, this isnt a easy for you now today but you will get through take care your in my thoughts, p.s i almost forgot this pic of you & your parents together is just beautiful.
2006-06-22 13:45:58 GMT
Author:Padmapani Devi
Thanks Angie.. I try to be strong willed but it isn't always so.. believe me
Padmapani Devi
2006-06-22 21:09:27 GMT
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