Padmapani Devi's Blog
Namaste'and welcome beloveds ...
24 June 2006

Today I got to know my half sister (By blood) Natasha.  I originally met her in 2004 but it was only one day.  This was our 2nd visit together and it was wonderful!   Although we don't look alike we are sisters by blood and nature.

We think the same in so many ways about so many things.  Men, Child Rearing, family, animals, pets, spirituality etc.  And we have so many similarites in our life.

They were here 7 hours and neither Dylan (my son) or I wanted her and Christian (her man) to leave.  We had a blast.

We also took Tash and Christian over to meet my adoptive Dad Ron, and they also got on like a house on fire.  It was great! great! great!

Now we finally have a real sense of what being a part of a blood family is like. For both Dave (hubby) and I are adopted so it is important for Dylan to know he has blood relatives in the world too!!

It was unreal!!

The pic above is me, Tash and Dylan today..

Padmapani Devi

2006-06-24 07:46:15 GMT
Comments (2 total)
hipadma,it is really great!!! that you get a chance to speed some quilty time with your sister she your half sis , the way i look at it a sister is a sister & know one can ever take their place, i have two sister & i love them both but some times they can be a pain(lol)just kidding.the pic that you have here is really nice & i hope that you will now have a chance to have some sweet members of you together.take care best of luck for the furture,your friend angie!
2006-06-24 16:29:11 GMT
Author:Padmapani Devi
Thanks Angie! It is great. Tash has come into my life at a needy time and I hope she can help ease the big hole in my life.. and hopefully I can do the same for her...
2006-06-24 21:08:49 GMT
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