Padmapani Devi's Blog
Namaste'and welcome beloveds ...
10 July 2006

Well my birthday was lovely.

All my girlfriends made a huge effort in getting me thoughtful gifts either spiritual or pampering presents.

On Friday the kids held a surprise birthday party for me and a another girlfriend Esther (we share the same birthday) and it was a lot of fun and our kids Dylan and Rebecca (Esther's daughter and Dylan's girlfriend) went to a lot of effort and thoughtfulness to make sure their Mum's had a special birthday.

Saturday night my hubbie surprised me with a dinner at local italian restaurant with my two best friends Karen and Cindy there along with Dad, Cindy's son Ric, and Dylan of course.

Friday I went and saw Mum on my birthday at the Crematorium and I admit I had a cry but only for a couple of minutes.

Funnily enough Dad was more upset than I on the birthday cos he missed Mum being a part of the celebrations.

We had this 'tradition' of me always getting Guylain seashell chocolates from Mum and Dad gave them to me again this year, to keep the tradition going as Mum would insist upon like she always did.

Dad and I both missed her - it really just didn't seem like a celebration without her there.

But overall I had a terrific birthday the best I could posssibly get considering...

And I'll take this opportunity to thankyou all of you for your kind and thoughtful birthday wishes.

Love and Light

Padmapani Devi

2006-07-09 21:49:25 GMT
Comments (1 total)
hi devi girl,im sorry that i didnt write a message earyler but i want to let you know that you are thougth about & im glad that your b-day was a blast .take care ,relax & enjoy your day,bye girl!!!
2006-07-11 03:11:03 GMT
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