Padmapani Devi's Blog
Namaste'and welcome beloveds ...
Skype (New Messenger)

Hello friends,

I am sorry to inform you yahoo messenger people that I am leaving both MSN MESSENGER AND YAHOO MESSENGER to work with SKYPE.

I was running all 3 and it was getting ridiculous.  Skype is free and the bonus is along with the normal messaging, it has conferancing, video and audio chats, but the best thing is it is so much faster when sharing/downloading files...  It's really quick.

So again I apologise but I am going to uninstall both yahoo and msn messenger and just stick with Skype..

Love and Light to all,

Padmapani Devi

2006-07-24 22:07:44 GMT
Comments (3 total)
hi devi that is to bad im in tears because you are leaving all of us here at yahoo and im going to miss your beautiful poems you are such a nice person and to lose you i will have a part of me gone ,so sad to see you go but if you got to go thats all we can all do ,well all the best and sadly miss you my friend~hugs&kisses~my dear ole friend!!!!
2006-07-25 02:03:22 GMT
Author:Padmapani Devi
We can all still keep in touch via blogs etc.. Love Padmapani
2006-07-26 05:31:29 GMT
blog me jkd
2007-01-17 04:51:17 GMT
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