Contact chechen-truth
Some rules
Don't write emails (or anything else that isn't meant to be emphasized or isn't extremely urgent) in all CAPITAL LETTERS. That is considered SCREAMING. I don't read emails that are written in ALL CAPS, because it aggravates the fuck out of me.
Don't underline your fucking emails. WHY are you underlining it? Do you think it's any more important if it's underlined? If you're going to underline it, why don't you fucking WRITE IT IN ALL CAPS, too? Jesus christ, just because your client has a fucking underline button doesn't mean you write the ENTIRE god damn email underlined.
Don't replace "are" with "r", or "you" with "u", or "why" with "y" or "too/to" with "2". For fucks sake, just don't do it. It isn't just these substitutions that piss me off, there are many other similair.. don't do it at all, for the love of whatever god(s) you may believe in.
E-mail me here
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