Russian casualties
4 of 7
the dead
dead rebels
Despite what chechen websites say, 100-150 Russian soldiers do not die daily.
7 Russian paratroopers were killed in an ambush by the  rebels, the chechen website displayed these images as well claiming that 97 Russians were killed in this attack, but in realitly they know that only 7 were killed, 12 rebels were killed as well, but of caurse the chechen camramen do not take pictures of it.
one of the 7 killed
4 of the 7 killed piled up
the rest
The chechen website also said that  this picture is taken of dead Russians but in reality they are dead chechen rebels, in the same opperation as you see above, 12 rebels were killed. And the man standing next to it is a chechen rebel searching for his friends killed in the attack, they were left to rot by Russian soldiers, but the soldiers took the bodies of the Russians.
truck explosion
A Russian army truck exploded containing two people, both who were killed
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