Aliminusa is 109 km. distant from Agrigento, 84 km. from Caltanissetta, 196 km. from Catania, 53 km. from Enna, 228 km. from Messina, 67 km. from Palermo, which province it belongs to, 224 km. from Ragusa, 300 km. from Siracusa, 165 km. from Trapani.

The municipality has 1.359 inhabitants and its area covers 1.371 hectares for a density of population of 99 inhabitants per square kilometre. Aliminusa rises on an iside hill zone and is 450 metres above sea-level.

A quiet rural village, among its products there are artichokes and cereals. Embroidery ‘s handicraft is also industrious.

The name of Aliminusa probably derives from the Greek word Lymenousa (marsh) with probable reference to the presence of a neighbouring marsh. The feudal village was acquired in 1625 by Gregorio Bruno who, after some years, gave the village the name of St. Anna. After the abrogation of feudal duties in 1812 the village became a selfgoverning municipality.

The oldest building of the small town is the Baronial rural farm, that since the ancient periods has been the owner's residence and later it became a firm and a structure of control for the territory. Adjacent to it there is the Cathedral Church consecrated to St. Anna and since 1809 it has been opened to faith.

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