Monreale is 147 km. distant from Agrigento, 150 km. from Caltanissetta, 257 km. from Catania, 169 km. from Enna, 267 km. from Messina, 8 km. from Palermo,which province it belongs to, 291 km. from Ragusa, 315 km. from Siracusa, 91 km. from Trapani.

The municipality has 28.715 inhabitants and an area of 52.920 hectares for a density of population of 54 inhabitants per square kilometre. It rises on a hilly area and is 320 metres above sea-level, from it can see a splendid view on the Conca d'Oro (The Gold Basin).

Important is the agricultural field for its remarkable production of citrus fruit, grapes, corn, fruit. In Monreal are moulded pottery articles of exquisite workmanship, mosaics and wicker baskets working also show the importance of the handicraft.

Monreale derives from Latin Mons regalis that means mountain worthy of the king. Originally it was an Arabic country house but it gained a historical importance only in 1174 when William II made built the famous Cathedral and the near Benedectine monastery.

Soon it became one of the largest and rich archbishopric of all the Sicily, and inside there were in the times different kind of religious orders. In 1700 the archbishop Testa made built the street to joint Monreale to the near Palermo.

The Cathedral of Monreale is important for its splendid internal mosaics among them is the figure of the Cristo Pantocratore (Christ Almighty) that stands out for its magnificence in the nave. It represents a valuable mixture of Islamic, Byzantine and Romanesque architecture.
Jointed to it there is a beautiful Chiostro (cloister). There is also the Palazzo Vescovile (Archbishop's Palace) and the Church of the Mount.


Pietro Novelli (1603-1647) is a name worthy to be mentioned because he is a celebrated painter of Caravaggio's school.


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