San Vito lo Capo is 214 km. distant from Agrigento, 250 km. from Caltanissetta, 357 km. from Catania, 269 km. from Enna, 367 km. from Messina, 88 km. from Palermo, 350 km. from Ragusa, 431 km. from Siracusa, 40 km. from Trapani which province it belongs to.

The municipality has 3.846 inhabitants and its area is 5.968 hectares for a density of population of 64 inhabitants per square kilometre.

The town rises on a coast flat area and is 6 metres above sea-level.

Agricultural and maritime centre, among its agricultural products there are cereals, vegetables, olives and grapes; in the handicraft it is famous the cultivation of "dwarf palm" as well as the production of tufa materials.

San Vito lo Capo is famous to be a seaside town and its coast is splendid and opens into a bay beach which extends from S. Vito to the cape of Solanto, at the foot of mount Monaco.

There is placed a tuna station that is inactive since 1600. The place was visited by pilgrims who were votary of St. Vito and a sanctuary was dedicated to him.

It was erected in the XIII century on an old chapel and was fortified in 1545.

There are many towers in this place, raised to signal the presence of hostile boats, such as Impiso's, Torrazzo's, Sceri's, Roccazzo's and also Isolidda's.

Near the town there are grottoes that have warehouses and engravings dated back to Palaeolithic period.

In S.Vito every year, in September, takes place the "Festival of couscous".

Many Sicilian, Egyptian, Palestinian, Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian chefs take part to the competition in preparing this special dish. The competition concludes with the public tasting of couscous.

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