Question: I "guess" my problem is blood related...4 days ago I noticed that my left foot had a pocket of fluid on top and I didn't think much of it. The next day the swelling was up to my ankle, then after that I started having pain in my ankle and the fluid was moving up to my mid shin. Since I have a trip to Disney World planned for Thursday I decided to call my Doctor (this was Monday)I had to see another doctor in the practice who seemed a little perplexed about my swelling and noticed the difference in temperature between my feet (the affected foot is very cold) I told him that I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (not completely convinced about that one because I had 3 other diagnosis' prior to that) and I also have a ruptured disk in my low back. The week prior I had been on a car trip with my kids. He ordered a sonogram for the next day and mentioned the possibility of a blood clot or phlebitus (sp?). I had the sono today and they did not find anything. I am waiting for the doctor to look over the report and call me tomorrow. In the mean time, I am in a panic because I am leaving for Florida the day after tomorrow with my kids ages 7,6, and 2. I am a 33 year old female, I weigh 95 pounds, I am 5 feet tall, and I do not drink or smoke. I have various aches and pains, sometimes severe which have been diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I do not sleep well (wake up about every 30 or so minutes) and take Ambien 5 mg, (sleep)and Soma 350 mg (back pain/sleep) Bextra 10 mg (pain), an occasional Zomig (headaches) and over the counter Metabolife for energy to get through the day. My ankle is getting worse and more painful each day. Elevating it does not seem to help, there is no difference in pain from AM to PM. I am desperate for ideas. Thank you!

Answer: Your ankle and leg needs a thorough examination before decision of any treatment. If you can send a photograph of your affected leg, we'll then be able to decide. Meanwhile for pain, you can any painkiller like Tab. Paracetamol 2 tablets at the time of pain.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Question: well if soem one has high blood presure with left bundle branch block si it saf to take beta blockers like tenormine for the blood pressure or does it has any side effect what other drug can be used instead.
Answer: Beta blockers esp. Atenolol (Ternormin) should not be used in patients who have any bundle branch block. Medicine of choice for these patients is ACE Inhibitors (Capoten, Renitec etc).
Monday, March 11, 2002 - Question by: aisha jahangir

Question: hello doc, tell me what medicines available to elevate blood pressure in pakistan. Thanx.
Answer: Well it depends on the condition of the patient, background history, examination and diagnosis. For example, low blood pressure due to diarrhea can be treated by iv normal saline infusions.
Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - Question by: owais

Question: my liver does not work properly and does not produces blood properly .give me a sugestion for this purpose .please do not priscribe a medicine just some home treatment like herbs .
Answer: 1. Liver in normal conditions, never produces blood. Blood is produced by Bone Marrow present in our bones.
2. How do you know that your liver is not producing any blood ? Are you having Jaundice ?
3. You dont need any treatment.

Sunday, June 10, 2001 - Question by: usman saeed

Question: dear doctor what is double pneumonia ,some times we use this term but i still don,t know.
Answer: There is no term "double pneumonia" in medical terminology. However, some people say double pneumonia as severe pneumonia (my be bronchogenic pneumonia involving more than 1 segment of the lungs).

Sunday, April 08, 2001

Question: My Father is of 52 years of age. He is suffering from kidney/blood infection. His blood contains on an average 70mg/dl of Urea. and Serum Creatinine is also above 4.5 mg/dl. He is a heart patient also. Sometimes he eats something and that does not digested and he just vomits all out. Please suggest what his diet should be ? What sort of precaution he should take? What he should to let urea and Serum Creatinine down? Can you tell me what Serum Creatinine is and what it does?
Answer: Your father is suffering from Renal Failure. Get him admit in an hospital. He might need treatment for lower his urea and creatinine down (but not dialysis at these readings). Give him protein and salt less diet.

Creatinine is a waste product of protein metabolism that is found in the urine. It can be measured to assess overall kidney function. An abnormally elevated blood creatinine level is seen in those individuals with kidney insufficiency and kidney failure.
Monday, March 26, 2001 - Question by: Deepak

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