MOYP124 MOYLAN'S REGIMENT Only 94 Left [Nov 1781]


To General Washington

At Camp (Yorktown),
November 1, 1781.

It is my duty to lay before your Excellency the situation of my
Regiment. It consists of three field officers, six Captains and
five Lieutenants. They have 94 men to command.

One field officer, one Capt. & two Lieutenants with 40 men are gone
to Carolina, the remainder are taking care of some of those captured
horses which will not be fit for service these four months- if ever.
Pensilvania, to which the Regt. belongs have hitherto done nothing
for it. A Letter from your Excellency to the executive power of that
State on this subject must be of great service, and if I was permitted
to be the bearer of it, I think the Regt. may yet be on a respectable
footing. I have many reasons for requesting this favor, the principal
one is, that my health at this time is very bad indeed.
A flushed face gives me the appearance of health, whilst an inward fever
and an obstinate Dissentry is preying on my vitals. Added to these a total
loss of appetite; such is my condition with respect to health. Perhaps the
northern climate may restore it. Should that be the case you may be assur'd
Sir, I shall loose no time in joining the Southern Army.

Col. Armand has got all the horses but 45. Col. White & Col. Baylor divide
the arms & accoutrements. according to the strength of their Regiments.
I have sufficient for my men, at Lancaster, which can be got to the
detachment long before the horses can be fit to march. I have not yet got
the returns; when I do the Qr. Mr. Genl. shall be furnished with them.
Pistols & bridles are very defficient, however I think 200 horse can
march with General St. Clair.

To which Washington replied the same day: See GW Papers V23P317

From the Moylan Biography PP 127-8 by Martin Griffin

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