To General Washington

PHILADELPHIA, December 15, 1782.

The Minister of War informing me he intended paying a visit
to your Excellency on the subject of the new arrangement,
I take the liberty of communicating what past between us,
respecting the 4th Regiment of Light Dragoons.

By the returns it appears, that Regt. is reduced to two Troops,
one mounted, the other not. These are to be commanded by one
Field Officer two Captains & the proper number of Subalterns.
General Lincoln says that he supposes a Major will be appointed
to this command, in which case, after eight years service
I shall be laid aside.

This command tho inadequate to my rank would be more agreeable
for when the Army is in the field, that objection would be removed,
and being the oldest in the Line of Cavalry I am thought to believe,
that the senior in each Line have it in their option,
to continue in service or not, as they choose.

In this Line there is not a Field Officer (myself excepted) that
belongs to the State of Pensilvania, tho I dare say, they will be
perfectly satisfied with what your Excellency may determine on;
it is very natural to suppose that they would prefer an officer of
their State, to that of another to command their own Troops.

I have made application to the Executive power of this State, who
promised me all their influence towards completing the 4th Regt.

I mentioned this circumstance to the Minister of War; he told
me Congress did not wish to increase the Cavalry, which has
put a stop to any farther proceedings of mine in that business.

When I entered the service-which was early in the first year of the war-
I did it with a firm determination of prosecuting it to the end.
I had made up my mind, and my affairs for that purpose.
I have shared its fatigues, its dangers and its pleasures,
with your Excellency ever since-should I be now left out,
I shall be very much disapointed and very much distressed.

General Lincoln informs me, it will depend upon you to officer the
Corps.I am sure you will do it, in the manner which will appear
to your Excellency most consistant with rectitude. From the polite
and friendly attention I have allways experienced from you-
I have expectations, that you will retain in the Army a man who has
sacrificed everything for the service of his Country.
Should there be anything inconsistant with the new plan of arrangement
by my remaining in the Line I now serve in, it may be in your Excellency's
power to find other employment for mew if such should offer
near your own person, it would be very pleasing to me.

From the Moylan Biography PP 127-8 by Martin Griffin

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