Photographs of children vocalising into their hands.

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At the time of taking these photos I did not think to record exactly what the child was doing, so now I am unsure. For a time I thought that Caroline in picture 2 was in the process of patting her cheeks, to make a sound, but comparison with Amanda, in the first picture, with an almost identical position of head, arms and hands, would suggest that she was in fact vocalising into her hands. (Amanda did engage in hand vocalising, but not cheek patting; Caroline did both)
Here the child vocalises into her hands, which are held up just in front of her face, using actual words, or mere non-articulated sounds, if she cannot talk.
She is communicating with, pretending to talk to, her parents.
Not only is she talking, (or 'talking' to them), but they can 'talk' back to her. The feeling of the 'presence' of the parents with the child, in the child's hands, is strengthened by the auditory-vocal dimension:-
the echo of the child's voice from the palms of her hands represents the parent talking to the child.


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