1.    The leading party of the clan consists of the two assasins and the
       master. The two assasins have equal power as the master.
       Whenever a big descision needs to be made, then the master needs
       both votes of the assasins. They have half a vote, their two votes
       count as one and is equal to the master's. However, the master
       can call his veto, then the other members are to be called to vote.

2.    Rules can be altered and/or added through voting.

3.    You can climb in rank, but everyone who is assasin stays one and
       noone else can ever get the rank of assasin. Same goes for master.

4.    The master can control the activity when the clan is training. He
       can call for order and meet to discuss something or to give a
       member a warning for not following the rules. The master acts as
       a referee when the trainings take place. If the master is not present
       the next one in rank will get command.

5.    Grand meetings and elections are held on the Clan Homebase map.
       Every member has his own seat there and stays in that seat during
       a meeting.
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