Orn Fee Taa
Being born in the slums of a filthy city on Rodia isnt very prosper for an ambitious youngster. As a child he saw the terrible circumstances he and his friends had to live with. Being an orphan and not knowing who your parents are was also a fact that was very depressing. Luckily he was found by a childless Alderanian family. They took Orn Fee Taa back to the republic. Back to civilazation. And it didnt take long for he was  discovered. Discovered because the Force was strong with him. He received his Padawan status at the age of 7. His master, Tir Fullap from Kamino, gave him a proper and very rich training. Yet, the fear in Orn Fee Taa was big, the fear he had when he was young, made him stray
close to the dark side. That is when Tir decided that Orn should best work together with a previous student of his, Ood Bnar. They became close friends and formed the best team. Their master, however, died during a raid of Black sun mercenaries onto the Jedi Temple. The other  Jedi betrayed and left Tir behind and saved themselves. Orn  and Ood  both grew hate. Ood Bnar fell to the dark side, Orn managed to get a hold of himself and remained on the light side only trying to forget the Jedi who left his master dying. The two friends remained somehow close and decided to move to Tatooine. There they found a new and prosper life as mercenary working for the Hutts. He was actually the first recruited Jedi for Jabbas private army. Orn served his master well and worked well by the side of Atesh Nash and  Ood Bnar. Orn saved the lightsaber of master Fullap and occasionaly uses the complete white saber. Mostly he hangs on to his personal blue saber which he crafted during his 14th year of Padawan training. Through meditation Orn received great physical strength. Acrobatics and mind tricks are his best qualities.
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