Jax's Penthouse: V(and Jax enter kissing)Tell me, I'm not dreaming all this, Jax? That you really came to the airport and asked me to marry you. That we're really going to be together at last? Jax:It's all real, V, and all you have to do is look down at your finger to prove it.(he kisses her again before heading to the bar and popping the cork on a bottle of champagne) V(sits on the couch staring at her ring, dreamily)I love it, Jax. I'm never going to take it off. Did it really belong to your grandmother? Jax:It certainly did and I'll have you know that's no store bought ring, either. It has quite a history to it. You see that stone? V:It's a diamond, isn't it. Jax:Yes, and it's just not any diamond. It's very special, just like you are. You see, my grandfather wanted to marry my grandmother but he was very poor and couldn't afford a ring. So he went to work at a local diamond mine and made a deal with the owner. In lieu of a year of his wages, he wanted to keep the first diamond he mined and have it made into a ring for my grandmother so he could ask her to become his wife. And that's the first diamond he mined. V:Jax, that's so romantic. How long were they married? Jax:For over fifty years and from the day my grandfather slipped that ring on my grandmother's finger until the day she died, she never took it off. V:And neither will I. Let's hope we're together as long just as long as your grandparents were. Jax(sits down on the couch next to V and offers her a glass of champagne. He clinks his glass against hers)To us and the long and happy life we're going to share together.(he notices V is drinking her champagne.)Come on, V, drink up. It's bad luck not to drink on a toast. V:Jax, I can't. I guess it's time I told you something I've been keeping from you. Get ready for a big shock. You ready? I'm pregnant. Jax:Excuse me? V:You know, the rabbit died. I've got a bun in the over. You and me, we're going to have a baby. Jax:(angerly)And you were going to leave town without telling me! V:Jax, calm down. Jax:If I hadn't come after you would you have ever told me about my child? V:Probably not. Look, Jax, you were married to Brenda and I wasn't going to use our baby as leverage to get you to leave her for me. If you left Brenda it had to be because you loved and wanted me more than her. I didn't want to get you because I was carrying your baby and I came along with the package. Jax(pulls her into his arms)I'm sorry, V, I haven't got any right to be mad at you. After the way I've treated you I'm lucky you'll still have me. A baby. We're going to have a baby. It's incredible, isn't it. V:And a bit scary and overwhelming, too. There's going to be this little person we created that we're going to be responsible for for the rest of our lives. I'm glad I can finally share it with you. Jax:I'm going to enjoy pampering and spoiling you and our child. But first things first(he kisses her on the forehead, than goes over to the phone) V:Who are you calling? Your parents? Jax:No, my lawyer. I want to attain a divorce from Brender as quicly as possible so we can get married and start our live together. Cassadine Private Jet: Bobbie(glaring at Stefan)So you could have sent for your plane at anytime, could you? Stefan:Naturally, you don't think I'd strand myself on a remote island without being able to communicate with the outside world, do you? I'd especially wouldn't want to be stuck on an island for two weeks with(he wrinkles his nose up in distaste at Jerry)HIM. Bobbie:But I looked everywhere for something, a telephone, a radio, anything that I could use to send for a boat to come and pick me up. Stefan:You obviously didn't look in the right place.(he turns a smirking look on Jerry)I'm surprised to see you, here, Mr. Jacks. I thought your financial problems would have kept you busy at home. Jerry(eyes him suspiciously)How do you know about my financial problems? Stefan(gives him a knowing look before opening up his newspaper and reading it.) Jax's Penthouse: Jax(wearing a robe call to V as he goes to answer the door)I think the pizza we ordered has finally arrived.(when he opens the door, Brenda hurls herself into his arms) Brenda:Oh, Jax, darling, please forgive me. I made the worst mistake of my life by leaving you. But if you take me back and forgive me I swear I'll never leave you again. I'm finally over Sonny and I love only you, now. Jax(pushes her away from him)So, you finally know about Sonny and Lois, do you? Brenda:Jax, that awful Carla Solieto set me up. She made me think Sonny still wanted me. That their marriage ended because of me. V(enters wearing her nightgown)Jax, I was thinking. Why don't we take the pizza upstairs and eat it in bed. Brenda:V, what are you doing here?(she turns to Jax with a confused look on her face)Jax, darling, what's going on? Jax:Brender, as soon as our divorce is final, V and I are getting married. Brenda(laughs)Don't be ridiculous. Jax, darling, don't you see what you're doing. You're just getting involved with V on the rebound because you can't have me. But, see, you don't have to settle for a substiture. You can have me. I'm back. Jax(starts laughing)Brender, you're incredible. Brenda(smiles at him)Jax, admit it. You'll never find anyone else quite like me. I'm one of a kind. Jax(smile disappears)Thank god for that. You leave me for another man and when it doesn't work out you think you can just come back to me and pick up where we left off. Brenda:Jax, I told you I was sorry. What happened wasn't my fault. It was Carla, Lois and Sonny's fault. If they'd have been honest with me, this would have never happened. I would have never left you. But if you'll just forgive me and take me back we can be so happy together. You're everything I've ever wanted in a man. You're the man who taught me what love really is. You're the only man who can make me happy. You're... Jax(cuts her off)V and I are going to have a baby. Brenda:What? That's impossible. You and V just...(then the truth sinks in)You haven't just, have you? You've been having an affair with V all along, haven't you? You betrayed me! You set me up, too! Wait a minute! You knew about Sonny and Lois, didn't you!(she hits him in the chest)You bastard! During that whole phony speech about how you'd finally faced I loved Sonny and was letting me go, you knew about Sonny and Lois, didn't you?(she hits him again, and she punctuated the end of each following sentence with a hit)You knew you were sending me off to make a complete fool of myself! And you did it, anyway! All so you could be with her! You bastard! How could you do this to me! I hate you! Jax(grabs her pummeling fists in an iron grip and pushed her backwards towards the door)I'll send your things over to Sonny's. Don't try to come back here, again. You won't be welcomed. Brenda(tries to dig her heels into the carpeting)Don't you even care what happens to me? I'm your wife. Jax(continues shoving her towards the door)Not for long. To steal from Rhett Butler, frankly, me dear I don't give a damn. For all I care you can try and fight Lois for Sonny.(he finally shoves her out the door and slams the door in her face) Brenda(crumbles to the floor and lets out a primal scream)Jaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaax! The Brownstone: Bobbie:Thanks for driving me home from the airport and getting me off that island. I hope you don't mind, but I'm really feeling kind of jet-lagged. So could we say goodnight, now, and talk about things in the morning? Jerry:Of course. To be truthful, I'm feeling the same way, myself.(he starts heading upstairs)Goodnight, Red. Bobbie:Jerry, where do you think you're going? Jerry:Up to my apartment. Oh, I guess it slipped my mind to tell you with all the excitement. While you were off with Cassadine, I moved in. I'm living in Tom Hardy's old apartment, now. You don't mind, do you? Bobbie:And if I do? Jerry:I'm afraid you'll just have to get used to it. Face it, Red, you can't get rid of me. Tonight, I'm sharing your house, tomorrow, I'll be sharing your bed. Goodnight(he heads upstairs, but stops halfway up and looks down at her)Oh, by the way, I thought you'd like to know that I haven't slept in pajamas since I was a teenager. I like sleeping in the all-together. Pleasant dreams. Wyndemere: Alexis(as Stefan storms in)How did it go? Stefan:Barbara drove home from the airport with Jerry Jacks. Does that answer your question. If that buffoon had not arrived when he did, I would have worn Barbara down. As much as she tries to fight it, she can't resist me. I was so sure causing the Jacks' financial problems would keep that pest out of my hair. If we had only had just one more day alone together I know Barbara would be back in my bed, tonight, where she belongs. Alexis:You told me to keep an eye on Jerry Jacks while you were gone. There's something you should know, but you're not going to like it. Jerry Jacks has moved into the brownstone. Stefan:Barbara's brownstone! That is unacceptable. I will not tolerate this! Alexis:What are you going to do about it? Stefan:It's time I started playing hardball. Enough of trying to woo Barbara back without manipulations or any dirty tricks. I want you to dig up any dirt you can on Luke Spencer and Carly Roberts. If you can't find any, then make it up. I know Barbara. She'll do anything to protected those two reprobates, which will play right into my hand. I'm going to get my wife back and I'm going to do it Cassadine style. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com