This is the thumbnail index of all the artwork available on this site. The art browser only includes my drawings, though I also did a bit of work in tenth grade with 3D Studio Max, available further down this page. Please remember that everything on UI is copyrighted; read my copyright info page for specifics about using these files.

Drawing (Digital and Analog)
Zebratree | 7th grade
Grid Designs | 7th grade
Contour Hand | 9th grade
Realistic Hand | 9th grade
Eye | 9th grade
Self-Portrait | 9th grade
Cartoons | 11th grade
Liero Fan Art I | 11th grade
Liero Fan Art II | 11th grade
Blow'd Up! | 11th grade
Seanchan Guard | 11th grade
TV | 11th grade
Maggie's Comic | 11th grade
Liero Fan Art III | 11th grade
W.I.P. | 11th grade
Anger | 12th grade
Flashlight | 12th grade
Control Valve Symbol | 12th grade
UI v5.16 Wallpaper I | 12th grade
Typeface I | 12th grade
Typeface II | 12th grade
Typeface II Wallpaper | 12th grade
retrogressive | 12th grade
Jeff's CD Cover I | 12th grade
Jeff's CD Cover II | 12th grade
Kylix | 12th grade
Control Valve Photomanip | 12th grade
Alien Pants | 12th grade
Swallowed Up In Death | 12th grade
Simply Beautiful | 12th grade
...until my problems go away | 12th grade
Vertical Designs Link Buttons | 12th grade
Zoom | Freshman year

3D Computer Graphics
DNA | 10th grade
Desk of the Future | 10th grade
Satan Duck | 10th grade
bivAwarE Logo | 10th grade
Hell's Welcome Sign | 10th grade
StalinTube | 10th grade
StalinTube (profile) | 10th grade
StalinTube (bottom) | 10th grade
StalinTube (wireframe) | 10th grade
StalinTube video | 10th grade
Spinning HH Logo I | 10th grade
Spinning HH Logo II | 10th grade
Ringed HH Logo | 10th grade

I also have a variety of content, including fractals, math information, creative writing, and programs available at the sister site.

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