****03 23 00:alkutezio has reformed somewhat and will be playing
again shortly. a new drummer and guitar player may possibly
be in the line-up.****

****03 23 00: come spend a delightful evening with DEAD END and Alkutezio at the Philadelphia 
(NY) 801 Building on April 1st.$2 at the door. show starts at 7PM or so. free junkfood and 
generic ice tea inside. bring a friend. bring two friends. 
bring your own Zam-Zam.****

****03 26 00: practice with a new drummer, justin, went well today and he will play at the 
DEAD END show. scott may make an appearance, too, on a few older songs for a pat smearesque
farewell jam. the show is definitely on saturday, 
04 01 00, and will start around 6PM or so instead of 7.****

****03 29 00: jacob will make the lonely drive back to evans mills 
and buy all the Hansen's Green Tea he can find tomorrow afternoon. 
he also wrote a new song today. yay.**** 

****04 09 00: damn daylight savings time! i changed the
month instead of the hour! oh well. a decent show was played
on the 1st. a spur of the moment show was played on the 5th
at the TimeWarp with "save the day" scott, where the new drummer, mike,
watched a weary GOOD MORNING REALITY (minus garrett) play
old favorites to a happy, smiley crowd. practice with
mike on the 8th was very empowering and gives new
hope to the band. expect good things.****

****04 13 00: jamming this weekend, possible open mic night 
on wednesday, the 19th at the TimeWarp. the band will ask to play on friday nights
for large amounts of money or maybe just food. coverage of this and other breaking news must be 
delayed until next week. a new PA is in the works. all details as they unfold. gigs planned with mike in 
may and june. fun fun fun.****

****04 18 00: nothing much else is happening. got a new bass 
rig going. some new gear happening. it's gonna change the course of history. driving blows goats. koshhht over and out.****

****04 21 00: acoustic open mic at Hurley's in Potsdam last night
or this morning--one of those. just garrr and pete--what's the use. the band is 
recording everything now at least. keep yr ears peeled.****

****05 03 00: well, it's May...lots of new songs...lots of new 
shows lined-up...yup...talk of a new album by year's end..much different
sound and flavor than nothing lasts forever*...possible radio 
appearances by some new material on 4-track....blah blah..check out this band, they're friends of ours.
sorry...just copy and paste this:  http://geocities.com/deadendnow/main.html ****

**** 05 07 00: misunderstanding about neagtiv seaven..jaco somehow
thought they were a third band playing on june 10th...possible
Ottawa gig on june 17th..battle of bands with capitol records rep

**** 05 21 00: hey everybody! TimeWarp wednesday, Cape Vincent
battle of the bands saturday, the Ottawa thing, like most pipe
dreams, is kaput. Disillusioned will materialize before 
DEAD END on june 17th at the home show. possible shows
in Ithaca or Syracuse with a power punk band called 'good to go' 
in the works..4-track demos coming along with mikey..yup..****

**** 06 06 00: the thing is saturday. much speculation and hearsay
about it. no hullabaloo expected. note to self. recording is anti-expiditiuous if 
that's a word. possible kidney bean benefit on the 17th..new songs and old songs in the waterworks...
radio appearances look like a washout. bobbo's huge Crate stack is on the way and he's almost 
splitting at the camouflaged seams..jake's feeling lonely..garr's chin is getting itchy..
mike's just chilling...it's kinda like an 80's movie..****

**** 06 11 00: ok....have to get a few things out...peaceful
assemblage is a falsity nowadays..davis sucks...every generation
screws over the next...chris novoselic for president...weezer rocks
...ok..i'm done..hold the rest in my gut...go watch
'back to the future' and hope we all have happy endings...
who knows for sure what's going to happen..**** **** 06 23 00: hi! nice to see you again! glad you could make it
the big district-wide tour is under way..we may even deign
to play in watertown a few times...Quaker Days in the big town of Philly..studio time coming up
with Russ in Antwerp..lots of great things happening..bob
got his wings..garr got a girl..mike got strep throat possibly..and jake got a job and could have a girl if he would just try a little harder..
i'll keep all 3 of you posted..**** **** 07 14 00: hey, i'm alive. this is basically becoming my personal journal i guess even though...whatever.. but..i'm buying new tires..bobby's real happy about something.. not sure if i did the right thing..mike..not sure about too much right now.. gonna be homeless shortly...maybe or not...i wonder if you can make a single page TOO BIG so it doesn't let you put anymore there guess we'll seee in a few months or so...**** **** 08 24 00: hey kids! i'm back. let's all have cake and ice cream
and play checkers. this page is becoming scary again
i may have to kill it. too much going on to talk about now
not sure what to write about anymore. not sure if anyone really cares
but hey! life is good in the long run. it's better than nothing at all someone once told me.**** **** 09 01 00: saw new favorite band a new found glory in syracuse
awhile back...just reminiscing..a friend's band is playing there
(the lost horizon) the 23rd; 'if hope dies'. good stuff. weezer is playing just outside of buffalo tonight...have to miss them, though
not sure i want to see the legend anyway. it may spoil the mystery..maybe i;m making excuses because i really just
feel utterly anhedonic...but everything is good..except i'm pushing everyone away and
whatever...i need to shave..expect new entries in march of 2001 when the band reforms again for the march-september reunion 'tour'...just kidding guys-it better not happen that way this year!...**** **** 09 19 00: hey. massive headache. listening to music everywhere
i went today somehow. not a bad thing at all.
even in class, music is a part of the curriculum. not bad at all.
'dead end' is back together hopefully. auburn friends 'if hope dies' are struggling according to gary.
no shows at the lost horizon. probably no tapes in my car as it is taking a breather in the parking lot of CCC
and i don't think i locked it. no one besides me would listen to our lady peace, anyway. this page is so incredibly stupid. i've been editing some stuff and it makes no sense at all. i refuse to put a counter up. i refuse to
eat pasta. i refuse to have the entirity of my clothes washed.
i refuse to sleep.
i refuse to admit anything for sure
i refuse to read anything too technical. no more radiohead. i refuse to listen to nirvana. unless it's 'beans' or 'on a plain'.
i refuse slowness. and all of it's subsidiaries. exactly. **** **** 09 29 00: it seems the demo will never be finished.
i'm not all that sure we even recorded it anymore. too many things
are happening to indicate we are doomed and anything
involved with us is doomed. possible halloween attempt at a show at home. possible show in november. (battle of the bands in auburn) maybe something in oswego a little later
no more will be mentioned for awhile to avoid the jinx
the guy that recorded us is having personal problems. we wish him the best in getting his life oragnized and back on track.
i'm gonna go eat some real sugary cereal now.
FROSTED FLAKES OF CORN!! make me very sick with the almost spoiled milk-y know when theres a slick of thicker stuff at the top,
but it still smells alright and doesnt feel clumpy or anything..mmmm**** **** 10 17 00: opening for ((good to go) who are opening for) MIDTOWN! october 28th at the ithaca teen center! yay. 'if hope dies' are playing in pennsylvania the same day. !!! gotta practice, guys! sheesh. $$ isn't everything. ??? ..stickboy? dj medicine?......**** **** 11 30 00: well, not much has happened. winter is indeed here in all it's ferocity and i'm getting the cocoon ready for the long haul. don't expect much until spring. over and out...i've still got my needler, though...**** ****EARTH'S MOST POWERFUL SOLDIERS FIGHT THE SPIRAL ZONE!**** ****01 23 01: it's the year 2001. go see 'crouching tiger, hidden dragon'. go see between walls, moneen, and choke on february 21st in ithaca, then go see
the movielife and stryder in syracuse the 26th, then go see
between walls again on march 9th in ithaca with grey am and
when dreams die. can't compete. they've got us beat.**** ****03 05 01: HEY. the demo is done. you can order a copy(for $5) by e-mailing us like so.
also check out http://www.revelationrecords.com for shows in the new york area.
we're supposed to be playing with between walls, if hope dies, AOK, and old time
favorites, dead end, at some point. if not, go see them anyway. they're all awesome bands.
well, take it easy, kids, and don't drink all your eggnog in one place.**** ****03 19 01: YO. if you're a local, check us out at the Children's Miracle Network
benefit this saturday (march 24th) in Watertown, NY at the ultimate goal building.
if you don't have our shiny, brand new demo, you can order one here.
well, that's about it for now....keep yr tuque on**** ****04 05 01: oops i deleted this....hehe...**** ****04 21 01: well, got a few shows lined up..(maybe)...thursday, april 26th, at
spirit's tavern in auburn, ny, benefit for my friends (their house burnt
down),..with between walls, atoxia, and if hope dies...saturday, april 28th, party in
mannsville, ny..not sure where...with thanx for trying,dead end, enemies of hypocrisy, a
road less traveled, myth and the attatchments.....may 11th somewhere near auburn, ny at emerson park,
with a bunch of bands (not sure who)...and may 19th we're playing a wedding somewhere..
gonna play tom jones and e.m.f. and stuff!
check out dead end's site and order their new demo... here . that's about it..**** ****05 14 01: new material is causing much ruckus and rifting in the band. possible shows
the weekend of june 8th in Auburn, and later on in june (somewhere)...demos are being sent out
everywhere (hopefully)...some new stuff may be recorded soon...some new pics from the
STP housefire benefit show are up here. support a good band gosh darnit..get our demo
here . while yr at it, check out dead end and order their's, too. hey,
check out between walls too.**** ****06 14 01: stickers will be coming in soon..the skaneateles show was a bust.
the owner of the hockey rink changed their mind at the last minute..watertown show
was cancelled, too...possible second attempt at a watertown show in a few weeks.
bob's leaving soon for the sinai desert..the mixing board at the college got sent away
for the rest of the summer..and jake's car is missing important parts....
things actually aren't too bad...put up new (old) pics here.
also, there's a merch page with a link to garrett's 'gmr'
sound file page and a look at the new stickers here....that's about it... ****
****06 20 01: ok..last minute show at the eagle's club on outer washington st. in watertown,
ny...starts at 3PM and rocks until 6PM...with MOMENTS WITHOUT all the way
from charlottesville, virginia...i think that's graduation day...so no DEAD END...
the new EYE SPY comp is done and they should be in by next week...
here's a look at the bands...the GOOD MORNING REALITY stickers should be in next week, too.
also, there's a merch page with a link to garrett's 'gmr'
sound file page and a look at the new stickers here....that's about it...****
****07 04 01: new (old) pics are here. next show is friday, july 13th at the eagle's club 
in watertown, NY, with if hope dies, between walls, dead end, and possibly the guts,
and nightmare scenario from pennsylvania...doors at 5PM, $5 admission...the new 'wrecking ball' EP is done...
it's got two new, pretty darn good 4-track demos of 'perfect like this' and 'the wrecking ball',
and 4 other rockin' tunes from 'there they are'...bob leaves the 21st for egypt,
and our practice pad is in the process of being sold, so we're pretty much on hiatus for awhile
..no hard feelings, we're just gonna plan for bigger and better things...or at least another place to jam...
well, take it easy, kids...get lots of vitamins...**** ****07 11 01: hey...show this friday has a new line-up....CIS...dead end...good
morning reality...between walls...and if hope dies..that's it...lots of
time to play...lots of good bands...lots of cds to buy...lots of
fun...eagle's club in watertown, ny..outer washington st...doors at
5PM,..$5...rock!...also, possible show at the cortland youth center on
saturday with between walls...pick up a copy of the new
'wrecking ball' EP at a show, or e-mail us (it's down there).
that is all for now...say bye to bob if you
see him...**** ****07 17 01: friday the 13th was great. 'dead end' and 'between walls' rocked.
the eagle's club might be a decent venue in the future. bob is leaving soon. we will miss him. lots of stupid, weird songs will probably
be written and recorded in the next 6 months. jake is now missing gear. non-essential gear,
but gear with sentimental value. money will be needed to replace
such gear. much sleep will be lost while such person deals with high levels of work
related stress to inundate such capital into his portfolio. portfolio. heh heh.....
check out moments without .**** **** 09 20 01: hey. show tomorrow at the new jam hall at cornell university...also recording
four new songs this weekend...details as they develop. klsjdklsafhakihfasbvdkjbdskjvd
vjniouaryutyoweuinckldm. jake is tinkering with delay pedals and ancient
tape machines and drums in his condemened house, mike's racking his brains
at school and watching his hair grow, bob's riding camels and sleeping with one
eye open, and garrett's making mp3's and watching movies for money. **** **** 11 27 01: wow..alot is going on....seriously..here we go...we're playing
in boston at u-mass on friday. it's an art festival. should be alot of
fun....weekend excursions are being planned for late january and early february
in the ny/pa/vt area to promote for the upcoming release on forever autumn
records, thad 'hope dies' newly founded label, a split with 'two days' from
new jersey. they're planning on coming up to the college in january to
record some stuff for it...can't wait. the split should be out by early
march. we just had pics taken for the artwork. aaron from if hope dies <--check out the new site!
...paraded us around auburn under the crow flock and
into an abandoned parking garage...heh....it was great...finishing touches
are being made on the new 'dead end' material and a dead
end/goodmorningreality split will probly surface with new gmr stuff not on
the two days split.... well...rock on...keep in touch...**** **** 12 04 01: well, the 'two days' split is kaput...they want to concentrate
on their latest release...........so it's just gonna be an EP...working
title is kill this. save parts. check out foreverautumn.s5.com (as soon
as it comes up) for more information. show in boston---new pics..was extremely tiring,
but very unusual and worth it. oneonta was a blast. we were very well
recieved. thank you, eric for doing the show!...upcoming shows in auburn, ny
at 'friends' with friends (dead end) on the 23rd of december...and
binghamton, ny at TBA with 'vincent price's orphan powered death machine'
and others on jan. 25th...that's about it for now...still working on more
shows for
january...rock on...**** **** 01 22 02...hay..is for horses...last minute show in ithaca @ the women's
community center this saturday at 6PM...also..february 8th in syracuse @
the wescott community center with moneen at 6PM......february 26th in
rochester @TBA with the attatchments...and march 9th in auburn @TBA with
homesick for space....the new recording should be done next week....they
won't be pressed for another month, though...so keep yr pants
on...alrighty....rock on...**** **** 02 02 02: well...go to the february 8th show in syracuse at the westcott
community center on the corner of westcott st. and euclid ave...moneen is
going to rock! (6PM, $6)...also, we'll be handing out free sampler tapes from the new
EP and free stickers...thad 'hope dies' and i have been working out the
final details and everything looks good for a release of the EP in late
february...keep an eye on www.mp3.com/good_morning_reality. (it should be up next week sometime)
for '2 hours ago' and a rough mix of 'sweetest dilemma'. mike's mom took some nice
recent photos of us..they are here. pizza's here...heh..gotta go...**** **** 02 24 02 ok...new pics from the salvation army show are here. (thanks, matt).
the show was great....chopping mall made their debut performance...(they're a theme band
based on the cheesy horror movie). basically, we made our roomates into a
mosh metal band in one day....break downs and blast beats!!!! Sheol and
their metal goddess guitar player took the stage and rocked...and It Dies
Today were heavier than a black hole and very entertaining overall...kids
were kicking each other in the head..too bad the P.A. system was being
tricky...new shows...March 9th at the Fulton VFW..
with Last Year, Forever Endeavor (ex Humble Beginnings),
Biermann Electric, Pete's Dark Moment, and 1 More TBA. 2PM $6, All-
ages...March 15th in Auburn at the Salvation Army Gym with Moneen!/If Hope Dies
/Between Walls 7PM, $1, March 24th in Syracuse (@TBA) with the Reunion Show, March 30th
@the Elk's Lodge in Gouverneur with good buddies Dead End!, Amorous Radio,
If Hope Dies! 8PM All Ages, and April 19th in Syracuse(@TBA) with the Rocking Horse
Winner!, and May 5th in Oswego (@TBA) that's about it for now...The EP
will hopefully be done in time for the March 9th show...alrighty..also..
if you build good webpages..please get ahold of me..
this page sucks..(i know)...jake... ****
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