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JON STEWART is being led into a TV studio exactly like his DAILY SHOW studio. The cameramen and studio technicians look exactly like the workers in his real life studio. The only difference is that ALPHA and OMEGA’s throne has replaced his usual studio sofa. He is taken aback and stops in his tracks.

OMEGA: “Come JON. Time for OUR interview. We thought recreating your studio would make you feel right at home. Take your seat. We’re ready.”

STEWART takes his seat, looks at ALPHA and OMEGA nervously. Then he settles into his seat, shuffles his papers and begins.

STEWART: “What is the meaning of LIFE. Why are we here? Or rather, there.

ALPHA: Good beginning. All you humans ask that question at least once in a lifetime.

OMEGA: “Human Life, the World you live in, its plants, flowers and animals, are OUR toys and pleasure playthings. WE created the World so WE could explore our creativity, make birds and flowers and animals of many different kinds, create snow-covered mountains and sandy beaches, sunsets and full moon nights. We just love variety and OMEGA is quite a decorator. It is she who chooses the colours of each sunset every night. I’ve done a bit of flower arranging myself.

ALPHA: People, are OUR special toys, because they are almost exactly like US. If Adam, ourfirstborn, hadn’t fallen for that snake event orchestrated by Fallen Angel Satan in the Garden of Eden, you all would be living forever in Peace and Love with your every need supplied. After that incident, we just had to live with the results of our creation. We punished Mankind by making them the only animal that brings forth its young in pain, and we made Humans have to work hard to produce food from the earth. The Fallen Angel brought you Hatred, Pain, Suffering and Death.

STEWART: So how come you couldn’t control the Fallen Angel? Didn’t you create him also?

OMEGA: “Yes, we created him to give Humans free choice between Good and Evil. It was just supposed to be a test, but some of you have taken the choice seriously and chosen to let Satan rule their lives.

JON STEWART: The harp is the first musical instrument mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 4. Was the Harp on earth before Man? If not, how did Adam’s grandson become ‘the master of the harp and music’?

ALPHA: “Your scientists have discovered that the Universe WE created is made up of trillions of particles of matter even smaller than the atom. They have also discovered (we saw it on a Discovery Channel TV programme) that these minute particles each transmit their own individual musical sound.

OMEGA: “That was quite a discovery, because now you know why it is that music is so universal and beloved by all people, and why musicians make so much money. They are supplying the very building blocks of your world, when they make music. Without music, your world would not exist. The harp strings duplicate all the sounds of Heaven. It’s the instrument of ANGELS. That’s why people like to see a beautiful woman playing a harp. They don’t know why, but in truth it reminds them of the Angels they were in Heaven before coming to Earth.”

JON STEWART: “So, is reincarnation for real? Do our souls live on and come back to Earth after we die?

ALPHA: “Just a minute, JON. Sorry to interrupt, but I hear someone calling:


MATTHEW, a middle-aged, white American man, is standing before the mantelpiece of his home, staring at a framed photo of a young man in Army uniform, smiling proudly before a US flag. He is speaking softly:

MATTHEW: “God, I’m not used to this prayer stuff, never believed it served much purpose. Don’t really know the words to use, except to say I am praying to you to keep my son safe and don’t let him get killed over there in that desert. Don’t let him get blown up and left to bleed in the sand. Don’t just save his life, don’t let him get him limbs blown off, or come home a paraplegic.
I’m praying to you God, because this is the first time in my life that I truly believe that you exist and can answer prayer. I can’t think of anything else to do, than ask you to watch over my son Bruce and protect him from harm. Bring him back home to me, please God. I beg you. Please. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, because you promised to answer all those who call on you in His name.”


Back in the studio, STEWART asks:
“Why do you permit wars? Why do people kill each other?

OMEGA: “WE’re getting quite a few of these prayers nowadays, from people whose loved ones are fighting in Iraq. WE don’t know what to do, because they went to war without OUR permission. WE don’t approve of war. It happens without any consultation with US. War is a creation of mankind, over which WE have very little power. The fallen ANGEL Satan is the one with power over war, and boy does he show off when he gets that power. War means people have to die. Some always have to die when they go to war. Some have to lose their limbs. How can we save all of them from dying, when they went to war knowing they might die?

ALPHA: “All we can do is pull off some miracles. Like, we can pull a child alive out of the rubble of a bombed building, or we can make one soldier be a hero and save another’s life. But we can’t issue a blanket coverage for all the lives being prayed for. That father should have taught his son that joining the Army was not something noble to do. He should have found US long ago and kept his son from setting out to kill people.
OMEGA: His son might be killing someone else’s son just at the moment he is praying. We are really powerless most of the time in war.”

STEWART: ‘So if you are so good, why are the people you created so evil?
I mean, look at the killing of 300 women and children by Chechnyan terrorists. How could you allow all those children to be killed? The children were not at war with anyone.

ALPHA: When Moses told the Egyptian Pharaoh to let his people go, it took twelve Plagues for Pharoah to free the slaves. The last plague, if you remember, was the killing of the first-born children. The Muslims of Chechnya have suffered religious discrimination under their Russian rulers. For 10 years they have asked for their country to be given its independence so the people can worship US as they desire. They resorted to the same extreme measures Moses used to gain freedom, and they think they will be just as successful.
WE are saddened by both actions, but the shedding of innocent blood is a wake-up call that brings international attention to end oppression. The Oklahoma City bomber used the same tactics to revenge the wrongs of Ruby Ridge and Waco. Don’t agree with him either, but Moses set the precedent.

STEWART: “And the September 11 bombing of the World Trade Center? What is your view on that?”

ALPHA: “America had an opportunity to make peace with all its enemies the day after the bombing. America could have called on Al Queda, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat to sit with its President and discuss whatever grievances they had with each other, then take whatever steps were necessary to make true World Peace. The power was given to America by the bombing; it was an opportunity for America’s leaders to truly rule the world and make Earth Heaven. WE heard everyone singing “Amazing Grace”, the hymn of forgiveness, and we got everything ready here in Heaven to give America the crown of Peace. But the leaders hardened their hearts and called on Satan to help them make war. Instead of calling on GOD to help them make Peace, America decided to kill its enemies. WE have watched the results helplessly since then.”


News clips from Baghdad, Fallujah, Gaza…


Weeping mothers dressed in black…. Mass graves…


STEWART: I was asking about reincarnation. Do our souls really live on after we die and come back to earth again?

ALPHA: Of course! Every one of your Earth religions teaches that the ‘soul’ is the essence of God in Man, that God is in every human being. Then some of these same religions teach that when Man dies, that’s the end of existence. How can that be? God cannot die! So the spirit of God within Man cannot die!

OMEGA: I like the Hindu religion best, that teaches that one should live one’s live perfectly while a human, because if you don’t, your soul will be reborn in a lower animal. If you were a glutton as a human, your soul may be reborn in a pig, or in a vicious dog if you were a cruel killer. That teaching makes humans want to live perfectly, so their soul may be reborn as an Angel living here in Zion with US.

STEWART: So those people I saw lining up for reincarnation, are those who lived life well enough to get a choice of how their souls return to Earth?

ALPHA & OMEGA: Smart!!! Very bright of you to discern that!

STEWART: So, what makes a genius? Like BlueJay, who was composing symphonies when he was only 4 years old. Or a brain like Einstein?


The scene changes, and we seem to be in a large supermarket. Jon is wheeling a trolley down the aisles, all of which are stocked with large labeled glass bottles. As Jon looks at each closely, he sees that each bottle contains an embryo of a child –not an inanimate embryo as we usually see in pictures from inside the womb, but rather small perfect babies.
Some bottles contain brown babies, some with Asian, Indian and racially mixed features, some blonde and pink-cheeked. Most are smiling and happy, waving shyly to JON .

STEWART: What’s this?

OMEGA: This is OUR baby supermarket. We pick from the shelves and deliver them to their Moms. Everyone’s soul comes back here for rebirth.

As STEWART walks, we hear the sounds of women in labour, we see bottles disappearing from their places on the shelves, the sounds of mothers cooing and babies crying as they are born.

STEWART: Are they crying because they are sad to be leaving this lovely place?

ALPHA: You guessed it, JON. No one likes to leave home. That’s why all souls return here after death.

STEWART: Even the bad ones? Don’t they go to Hell?

ALPHA: Another Christian myth, Jon. We have a corner for bad eggs in the supermarket too. Look on the shelf beside the chocolate-covered cockroaches, pickled pigs tails and sun-dried vampire bats. Most souls hate to spend eternity in those forms, but there’s a fast turnover of those products and the shelf gets full quickly with products the Fallen Angel fills his trolley with.

ALPHA: But to answer your question, you will find the Speciality corner in Aisle 7, JON. This is where WE keep the Miracle Babies. They are so special, WE hate to see them leave us, so WE only send one to Earth very rarely.

STEWART: How do you decide who they should be born to, and where and when?

OMEGA: (claps her hands with a laugh). That’s our most fun thing to do. Sometimes we hold a lottery, close our eyes and just drop one down anywhere. The fun is seeing how that child grows, the astonishment when their genius is discovered, and the wonderful, beautiful things that child gives to the Earth.

ALPHA: But most of the time we send them in answer to special prayers. You remember Hannah in the Bible.

STEWART: Yes, vaguely.

ALPHA: She was barren and her husband’s second wife who had children was always laughing at her. So she would go to the temple and pray for a child. One day the Priest Eli saw her speaking to US and he thought she was drunk, but WE sent him a vision and told him WE were going to answer her prayer. So we gave him words and he told the woman, Hannah, that she would have a child and that she should bring him up as a Nazarite priest.
Remember that story? He grew up to be Samuel, one of Israel’s greatest priests.

STEWART: Hmmm…….

OMEGA: WE created all mankind to be like US, you know. Gods. But not everyone learns that message early in their life. Some take many years to find this elemental truth and start to live like US. So we have to make living examples so that makind can have some role models.

ALPHA: WE sent our best soul down two thousand years ago, a child named Emanuel, whom many called Christ. He did the work WE sent him to do, talked the talk and walked the walk. But even though Makind remembers him and talks about him all the time, they still are not living His example. They even mixed up His message and now they worship Him, instead of US. It makes US so upset.

I mean… We gave them the Rules hundreds of years before We sent Emannuel, and the very first rule we gave them was:

“I am the Lord, your GOD. You must not worship any other god but US.”

OMEGA: Mankind has forgotten US. WE have sent down our Dali Lama, WE have sent our Mohamamed, WE have sent our Bhudda, we have sent our Krishna … so many, many of our best souls WE have sent to set the example, but it seems that few are listening. We know the Fallen Angel has a limited time to do his evil work and gather the souls that will keep him company when he is finally chained in the depths of the fiery furnace, but meantime we can only send our best spiritual warriors and give them the Armour to make them win this mighty Armagedeon.

STEWART: Are you serious?

ALPHA: OUR son Ras Tafari Makonnen, whom WE sent very recently to become Emperor of Ethiopia, has been the only one to make a difference in these times. His presence has had a surprising and wonderful effect among the children of enslaved Africans in Jamaica, who have been preaching OUR message of “Peace and Love” widely around the Earth. WE see Ras Tafari’s followers as people who have been very successful in keeping down the power of the Fallen Angel.

STEWART: You mean those guys who smoke a lot of weed?

OMEGA: Yes. They call it ‘the wisdom weed’ and say it is their sacrament that keeps them close to the divine within. They stick very closely to OUR teachings on life and how it should be lives and they have been successfully recruiting believers among all races and peoples. WE are very pleased with this group.


ALPHA: Many of the geniuses we send down never get a chance to show how brilliant they are. We lose a lot of them like this.

A Child sitting at a classroom desk is composing a symphony in his head, while a teacher is droning on about Maths. The child’s face fills the screen, as does the beautiful music in his head. We see his hands tapping on the desk in beat of the music. The Child does not notice the teacher approaching behind him. The Teacher hits the Child on the hands for not paying attention. The symphony flies out of his head, and its sound is replaced by the sounds of hate. The Child curls up in embarrassment, anger and pain, as the other students laugh at him.

The child looks our of the schoolroom window. In the neighbourhood we all can hear the sound of a child bawling.

We see a little girl no more than 5 or 6 crumpled on the ground, being held by the arm by a large woman who is beating her mercilessly with a stick. The woman is saying:
WOMAN: “Look how you dirty up you’ clothes! Sitting down here in the dirt! I goin’ make you wash every single piece of clothes tonight, you dirty bitch.. Dirty! Stink! Ugly! Wish you never born. Stop you’ noise! Stop the crying!

The little girl wails and tries desperately to escape her torturer, who continues beating her.

On the ground we see the reason for her punishment. In the dust is the remains of a ‘doll’ the child has made using a dried up mango for a face, sticks for limbs and a scrap of material for clothing. Her crime is to have been playing innocently in the small dirt yard in front of her one-room zinc shack.

ALPHA: Yes, we lose a lot of our best souls in ways like this.

STEWART: God, that’s horrible.

OMEGA: Happens every day. No one will come to help her, even though everyone can hear her screams. Sometimes we just have to intervene.

As the large woman struggles with the child, she suddenly slips and falls, hitting her head violently against the concrete step. Blood pours from the gash, and she lies still with her eyes rolled back. Her hand releases its grip on the Child.

The child looks up in astonishment, then cries out in horror:
CHILD: Mama dead! Mama dead! Somebody come! Mama dead!

Then a smile crosses her face, quickly disappearing as we hear the sounds of others coming to see what has happened.

OMEGA: (Wipes a tear from her face, then speaks quietly)
WE want to take a little rest right now, Jon. You have some food and get ready for your last questions. You only have three left, so make them count.

They both rise and embrace JON, then they open their wings and rise up, disappearing into the clouds.


It is nighttime and the sky is filled with very bright stars and luminous, multi-coloured planets. Angels small and large glide in

STEWART: What’s the biggest problem the world faces today?

Screen shows American Presidents speaking about how to change the world. Actual footage of John F, Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton…
Black men speaking about racism. Actual footage of Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Huey Newton.

Pope Paul praying before the Black Madonna.


STEWART: I don’t understand… how can you be god and allow all this to happen? I just can’t understand. Don’t you have control over everything?

ALPHA & OMEGA: Good question, Jon, but not the right one. Yes, we control everything, but WE have set a time for everything to work itself out according to OUR purpose. Everyone has a chance to see OUR faces, to choose Right from Wrong. The opportunity exists for everyone, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Bhuddist or anything else. Everyone has to find the way HOME, and we have set many roadmaps. Life is like a computer game where you can decide where to go in the game in order to win. You gotta win the Game of Life.


Baby being born somewhere in the world. A crown hovers over his head. Light streams from his crib. His mother and father rejoice. A choir of angels sing.

A lion lies down with a flock of lambs. A child plays with a white tiger. Flowers bloom at every step a beautiful woman makes. Dolphins leap from azure seas.


Cataclysms and hattaclaps. A diabolical laugh fills the void. Explosions, scenes of war, hurricane, volcanoes, floods, refugees fleeing, mass graves.

ALPHA: Here he comes .. the Devil Angel, with his bag of pain, death and destruction.

OMEGA: I fail to understand how anyone can choose to follow him, instead of US.

ALPHA: Darling, he has made himself very attractive. Bling bling, lapdancers, big spenders, all of them are very appealing to those who think that Heaven is on Earth and they must get theirs.

(Music of Jimmy Cliff singing from “The Harder They Come” :
“Oh they tell me apple pie up in the sky,
waiting for me when I die, but as sure as the sun must shine,
I’m gonna get mine right now, what’s mine…”

ALPHA: The Fallen One has a very pretty net.

STEWART: I’ve got to get back! Got to warn everyone!

ALPHA: (laughs) No one will believe you, Jon. They will think you’ve gone mad!
In any case, unless you guess the Big Question, you won’t remember anything of this when you get back home.


ALPHA & OMEGA: Your last question, Jon. Think hard. Think well.

STEWART thinks long and hard, his forehead furrowed with worry.

STEWART: I think we need to know how can we be more like God? Is that the most important question? It must be.

ALPHA and OMEGA look at each other and sigh. They fold their wings around each other for a moment, then open them and turn to STEWART.

ALPHA & OMEGA: No Jon. The most important question Makind must ask is:

WHAT DOES MAKIND HAVE TO DO TO DESTROY THE FALLEN ANGEL. Mankind has the power and Mankind has to solve the great mystery of what is must do to kill the Beast. Until and unless Mankind finds the secret and uses that power and destroys the D-Evil before the time allotted, WE will be forced to destroy the Earth by fire to cleanse it from all Evil.

STEWART: (holds his head in his hands): Oh my God! (I mean, excuse me … no offense meant.) I am so stupid! I should have guessed? Of course! You brought me here because it’s a matter of Life and Death.

ALPHA: Time is running out. The End of Days is near, very near.

STEWART: Please. PLEASE! Don’t send me back unable to do anything. Give me a chance, just one moment, to try to make a difference. Please. Just give me five minutes after I go back. You can wipe my memory after that. PLEASE!!!

ALPHA & OMEGA look at each other, speaking telepathically. Then they turn to STEWART.

OK Jon. We will give you 5 minutes when you return. If you use them wisely, we’ll reserve a special set of wings to wait for you up here.

STEWART: (falls to his knees before them): THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You won’t regret it, I promise you. Just watch my show.

ALPHA & OMEGA laugh, and they reach out their wings and hug STEWART. As they do, he dissolves and disappears from between their arms.


We see STEWART once again in the speeding taxi, waking up as if from a nap. He shakes himself, gathers his composure, then knocks frantically on the window separating him from the driver.

STEWART: Stop! Stop! Turn around! I forgot something at the studio!

The driver slows down, turns and looks at STEWART, recognizes him, then puts the taxi into reverse and drives quickly back to the studio.

STEWART rushes through the entry door, runs to the lift, goes up to the studio where the crew is still packing up the equipment.

STEWART: Stop! Stop! I’ve got to record a five-minute into to tomorrow’s show. Gotta do it NOW, before I forget what I’ve got to say. Quick, everyone. Gimme me a mike and turn on the lights. I’m ready to go. NOW! NOW!

The studio crew look in amazement for a moment, then smile as if accustomed to unusual behaviour from STEWART, and get back into record mode. We hear the Floor Manager counting him down:

FLOOR MANAGER: … Five, four, three…..


ALPHA & OMEGA sit in front of a large TV. Around them is an audience of beautiful Angels and Cherubs, smiling.

ALPHA: I think he’s going to make it. I think we chose well.



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