Art and Crafts

The locally manufactured handicrafts include the well-known embroideries in silk and cotton cloth by Balochi women, leather work dwarf palm and pottery etc.


As far as the climate is concerned Sibi is extremely hot and dry in summer season. There is a Persian proverb popularly quoted for its season which reads:

"Sibi-o-Dhadar Sakhti Dozakh Chira Pardakhti".

The poet, while addressing the Almighty says when He had created extremely hot places like Sibi and Dhadar. what was the need of creating Hell then.

It is generally said that in the summer season if water is kept in open sun it will start boiling within no time. The summer season begins from March and lasts till the end of October. The district is well known for its cattle wealth. Among the domestic animals are Horses, Bullocks, Camels, and Sheep. Goat, Donkeys and Buffalos. The cattle produced in this area are very famous for their stamina. A large number of these cattle are exported every year to other parts of Pakistan. The Horse and Cattle Show, therefore, has become a regular feature for over eighty years. It is, however, stated that the history of the Sibi Horse and Cattle Show is much more old. Mir Chaakar Khan a noted Baloch tribal Sardar is said to have held such show. first arranged by him in the year 1496.

"Great Hustle Bustle"

Preparations to celebrate this festival are made quite early. People from different parts of Balochistan as well as Sindh start coming to Sibi from January. There is great hustle bustle specially during the week when one could hardly walk in the bazaars and streets due to the surging crowd. The city bazaars, shops, hotels and "Kehwakhanas" are filled to capacity and one comes across a number of familiar faces. You can meet friends, living in far-flung areas, at Sibi on this occasion whom it becomes very difficult to see for years together otherwise. "Kababs" and "Gandaries" are very common but sipping of the specially Green Tea at a 'Kehwakhana" has its own charm.

And this is the story of the tiny town of Sibi. As it stands geographically, historically, climatically and culturally it will never lose its importance. Though the flashes of modern civilization are there but it will grow more and more with the passage of the time and its importance will likewise increase.

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