
Faisalabad, formerly known as Lyallpur, situated about 80 miles from Lahore and is known as the Manchester of Pakistan being the nucleus of the textile industry in the area. The original town was laid out on the design of the union jack on the lines of Khartoum in Sudan. Many other industries are also concentrated here. It is also a big agricultural market. It was known as the granary of undivided India. Pakistan's first and the oldest Agriculture University is located in Faisalabad. It is the fourth largest city of Pakistan.

Till the close of the 19th century the area now comprising Faisalabad District was a vast tract of waste-land, generally known as Sandal Bar. Geographically it formed the lower half of Rachna Doab. The construction of the Lower Chenab Canal in the 19th century, the fresh avenues of development opened for the area.

It appeared as a separate revenue District of the Punjab on December 1, 1904. It derived its name, Lyallpur, from the headquarters town, which was founded in 1896 as a civil station and Mandi Town and dedicated to Sir James Lyall the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab from 1887 to 1892. On September 1, 1977, it was re-named Faisalabad to perpetuate the memory of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.

Before the canal colonization there were few traces of any settled habitation in this region. Certain tribes, however had become characteristic of the Bar from tomes immemorial and their known history goes as far back as the early Aryan invasion. The major tribes which inhabited the area and which were always at loggerheads with each other for the control of pasture lands were: the Bhattis and Vurks of Gujranwala, Kharrals of Jhumra and Kamalia, Sials of Jhang and Sauueds of Rajoa.

Under the leadership of these tribes, some lesser tribes also lived in called Tarni to the leaders of the dominant tribes. This practice continued till the annexation of the Punjab by the British.

Faisalabad was a small beautiful town before 1947, but the rapid grown has affected its looks, its population in had gone up to 4,21,000. Today its population is 10,92,000 Side by side with the haphazard growth of population and urbanization the city has developed its industry market.

Clock Tower:

Center of main City connecting 8 Bazars

Agricultural University:

Jail Road

Iqbal Stadium:

Stadium Road.

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