
Gwadur is one of the most important coastal towns of Pakistan besides being the biggest fishing centre in the entire coastal belt of Balochistan the coastline is peculiar in that it has its own characteristics different from the rest of the Province and Gwadar.

The most novel development one can associate with Gwadar is the unusual movement of its population over the past few decades. While the world is beset with the prospects of population explosion, Gwadar faces the problem of ever decreasing number of its inhabitants.

Gwadar remained under the Ruler of Oman for several decades. It only became a part of Pakistan after the transfer of its territorial sovereignty during late fifties. Till that time Gwadar was under the ruler of Sultanate of Oman a British Protectorate.

At present Gwadar continues to be one of the main centres of human activities in Balochistan where socio-cultural programmes are organised. Because of its closer affinity with the Gulf and increased traffic between the Gulf and Pakistan, Gwadar was upgraded as an international airport in 1970, connecting Muscat and Karachi.

PIA started operating a DC-3 service in 1965. Fokker service was introduced in 1966 after the runway was metalled.Gwadar presently handles 20 flights per week of which four are international. The international flights are opterated both by PIA and Gulf airlines.

Historically, Gwadar is one place that attracted the attention of the Arabian Peninsular countries for centuries and also Portugal. In fact once Portuguese sea pirates invaded Gwadar and Pasni.

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