
It is 94 km (59 miles) from Ziarat to Loralai on a poorly surfaced road. You pass through attractive little villages surrounded by compact orchards the purple and black mountains looming behind. It is known for its good almonds and pomegranates .The drive from Quetta to I Loralai takes about five hours.

Fort Munro:

From Loralai to Fort Munro at the foot of the Sulaiman mountain range is 200 kms (124 miles) of partially surfaced road. It is called the Robber Road. It is barren and rubble-strewn but dramatically beautiful because of the fantastic contours formed by erosion. Fort Munro is just beyond the Punjab border. The term 'fort' seems somewhat exaggerated since the town looks more like a peaceful hill resort with gardens and orchards rather than a military outpost. The town was founded by Sir Robert Sandeman and named after Colonel Munro who was commissioner of the Derajat Division.

Khojak Tunnel:

The Khojak tunnel is in the historic pass across the Khawaja Amran offshoot of the Toba- Kakar mountains in the Quetta- Pishin district. The pass is 70 miles from Quetta by rail on the Quetta Chaman railway. The crest is reached at Shelabagh railway station 6.396 feet above sea level.

Beyond Shelabagh the railway runs through to Khojak tunnel which is 24/z miles long. It was constructed in 1891 and is the largest railway tunnel in the Indo-Pakistan sub- continent.

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