Malakand Divisian

Lying to the south and east of Durand line, the Malakand Protected Area on the east, and the principalities of Dir, Swat and Chitral are contiguous. After the border settlement with the neighboring Afghan Government in 1895 and the Political Agency of Dir, Swat, Chitral and the Protected Area of Malakand, inclusive of Bajaur, was created. It is popularly known as "Malakand Agency", after the name of its headquarters.

There is a fort in which a military garrison is stationed. In his youth Winston Churchill Later Prime Minister Britain spent some time here. An f around Malakand gives the toy, green look. Malakand Fort guards road at the top of the Malakand pass, which begins at Dargai.

Approximately 855 sq. miles immediate environment of Mala and the Bajaur area is strewn with row but fertile valley surroundet hills moderately cold in winter and greatly pleasant in summer. An excellent pacca road extends from the I Malakand Highway right up to the capital at Saidu Sharif, the burial-place the Great Akhund Sahib, Saidu Sha now the capital of Malakand Division Like Swat. Dir also possesses a thrilling historical past, dating back to the Buddhist era and even beyond. Spread an area of 4,000 sq. miles, the topography of Dir is mainly hilly. The Punjkora river flows through and divide in almost two equal parts. The climate of Dir is extremely in winter and moderately warm in summer.

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