
The place is known for the construction of the second biggest earthen dam of the world by, Pakistan; under the Indus Basin Treaty. The multi-purpose dam is alluring tourists in all seasons and from all over the world Here the Jhelum has been tamed and one of the largest man-made lakes in the world has come up. In the same vicinity the old town of Mirpur, which was submerged in the lake has been rebuilt on modern lines a few miles away.

Mangla Hut:

Overlooking the lake stand the remains of a historical hut with many legends behind it. It offers a panoramic view of the dam and the silver stream of the Jhelum on its right.

Originally the hut was made of mud and owes its present stone structure to Raja Ranjit Singh, who ruled the area some 146 years ago.

Mangla Dam:

World's third largest earthfilled dam is only 113 kms (70 miles) away from Rawalpindi on the G.T. Road. One has to turn left in the middle of Dina town and the Dam on River Jhelum is about 14 km to the east. The dam has a large lake behind. It is one mile upstream of the regulator of the Upper Jhelum Canal. A dam has been constructed to conserve and control the flood waters; of the Jhelum River. The waters stored occupy 5.4 million acre, feet, it is a rolled earth filled embankment, with a crest length of 11,000 feet. Its height above the riverbed is 380 ft. It is excellent for boating and fishing. In the center of the Dam is a hill on top of which is a Gakhkhar Fort. One can drive up to the fort for a panoramic view of the lake.

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