
The Badshahi Mosque:

The gateway of the Old Fort opens towards the courtyard of the Badshahi Mosque, which is one of the largest in the world. The amazing symmetry of the three giant white marble domes capping the many arches of the mosque is a marvel of harmony in masonry. A vast courtyard, characteristic of Mughal architecture, is bounded on all corners by four towering minarets of red sandstone. Near a flight of steps leading to the courtyard is the Mausoleum of Allama Iqbal, the great philosopher-poet who first conceived the idea of Pakistan. In the rooms above the entrance gate (not open to public there is some hair of the Prophet Mohammad and other relics of his daughter and son-in-law.

Sonehri (Golden) Mosque:

Among the large number of Lahore mosques, which are admired for their splendor and beauty, the Sonehri Masjid (the Golden Mosque) is quite prominent. This medium-size mosque has survived the vicissitudes of history and has maintained its unique position as a specimen of splendid architecture along with the gleaming attire of its goldplated domes. Located almost in the heart of the walled city, where several Gates of the city converge, it continues to attract a large number of Pakistani and foreign tourists towards its beauty. Originally known as Tilayee Masjid, the mosque with its elevated and imposing gateway, and the minarets, was built under the supervision of Mir Syed Bikhari Khan, the chief administrative (Nazim) of Mir Mueenul Mulk better known in history as Mir Munnoo who was the Vice Governor of the Punjab appointed by King Muhammad Shah.

Built in 1163 A.H. at an elevated plinth level of one-story, it has three large domes and several small minarets whose tops are covered with goldpiated sheets. The job of gold-Plating was carried out with such expertise that even after 240 years its sheen is as bright as ever. When it rains and the domes are washed; by its water, the luster and radiance produced by the interaction of the Sun's rays are simply dazzling to the eye.

The main building of the mosque, which included a small courtyard and a pond for ablution, is still very strong, as it has withheld pressures despite the constant erosion of time. Its high foundations have a lot to do with its structural strength and durability.

Wazir Khan's Mosque:

Rightly described as the chief architectural ornament of Lahore. Wazir Khan's Mosque is a monument of surpassing beauty and elegance. It represents a most beautiful example in tile, mosaic works and fresco paintings. A lot of Persian designing and coloration has been applied in this Mosque. The most interesting is the setting of detached pieces of colored pottery in different designs. It was founded in 1634 AD by Sheikh llm-ud-Din Ansari popularly known as Wazir Khan. He was the royal physician and was raised to the dignity of Viceroy of the Punjab. This Mosque is situated inside the Delhi gate.

Dai Anga's Mosque:

Dai Anga or Wet nurse, whose real name was Zebunnisa was a wet nurse of Shah Jehan and was respected in the royal house. She built this Mosque in 1635 AD from the money collected from her lands. This Mosque is the only surviving monument reflecting a decent and chaste work in the refined enameled mosaic work of the Moghul designing in architecture. It is situated near the Railway Station. Her tomb is situated behind the Gulabi Bagh.

Other Mosques:

Worth visiting besides the ones mentioned already are the Masjid-e-Shohada situated in Regal Chowk, the Mall and The Data Darbar Mosque situated on Data Ganj Buksh's Shrine, near Bhati Chowk.

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