Quaid-e-Azam's Residency

It is a beautiful two storey building with modern super-structure and some of the loveliest lawns in Ziarat. From the balcony of the upper floor was well as from the lawns down below the entire valley appears laid out for view. Quaide-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan was very fond of the captivating summer resort. He spent his last days in the Ouaid-e-Azam's Residency. the furniture used by the Father of the Nation is lying at its original place. The Residency is to be converted into a National Museum.

The Governor's House with its lush green lawns and flower gardens commands a striking view of the whole valley.

Prospect Point:

For sheer splendour, the view from Prospect Point can hardly be surpassed. This place is situated about 3 1/2 miles from Ziarat town on the Baba Kharwari road. It lies at a hight of 8,900 feet above sea level. It is the most pleasant walk for those who care to enjoy beautiful landscape at leisure. The road passes through lofty hills and deep ravines reaching Prospect Point, which overlooks a valley about 1,000 feet below covered with green juniper trees. It is an excellent picnic spot and recommended to all who visit Ziarat. For those who wish to stay overnight, a Rest House is available.

Once on the peak, with the wind whistling through the forest one can see the valley, stretched out in undulating slopes. From a nearby cliff, one can clearly see the highest peak of these hills, known as Khilafat, which rises to a height of 11,400 feet. There is a rest house in which one can stay overnight. Prior reservation may be made through the Deputy Commissioner of Sibi at Ziarat.

Chashma Walk:

This is a lovely walk off from the swimming pool and going along the bank of the deep ravine. On the other side of the walk are high hills covered with juniper trees. It leads upto the spring, which provides water for the town.

Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation has a Tourist Complex with six comfortable cottages and six D rooms.

There are double-bedded, furnished rooms which have electricity and running water. Arrangements for meals can be made. The rates are reasonable and accommodation can be booked at the PTDC office in Quetta.

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