Rohtas Fort

The Fort built in the 1540 by Sher Shah Suri, is one of the most imposing historical monuments in Punjab, especially an attraction for any one with a taste for castles in the most romantic tradition. To reach it, turn right at Dina 98 km from Islamabad immediately opposite the left turn marked to Mangla Dam. There is a sign as well saying Rohtas 7 km from the right it only takes 20 minutes from Dina if the road is not bogged by the sand and river water.

The Fort is about 5 km in perimeter, with massive battlements and walls. For about a kilometer along the riverside the walls are double tiered and at some places they are in triple levels, however, if one climbs upon, there are very less chances that one may suffer altifobia, as the ramparts are considerably high.

The plan of this Fort has been laid out strategically as the ravines act like moats for the defensive system.

This gigantic stronghold is so strategically positioned that it commands the old route from the north to the plains of Punjab. The main reason for the construction of the fort was to block the re-entry of the Moghul Emperor Humayun into the sub-continent. His second object was to punish and defeat the turbulent Gakhkhars, who supported the Moghul. It was named after the fort of Rohtas in Bangai the scene of a victory of Sher Shah. The present remains of the structure remind of the aesthetic and perspective sense of the age. The most imposing of its 12 gateways the Sohail Gateway is now used as a rest house.

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