Sibi is a town with distinction and great historical importance. It used to be the seat of a number of rulers of area in the olden times.

Sibi is a very ancient town but its origin is shrouded in the dark pages of history. According to local tradition, it derives its name from Sewi, a Hindu Princess of Sewi race, who ruled over the area for a long time before the advent of Islam. It has suffered, owing to its exposed geographical position, from constant sieges, including an assault by the British in the year 1841.

The present town of Sibi was built after the 2nd British invasion of 1878. In its days of British rule, Sibi was known as Sandemanabad. It was named after the name of Captain Sir Robert Sandeman under whose command British troops were sent to repel the internal feuds and external aggressions. The ground where it stands today was at one time Jagir of Chiefs of Baruzai tribe of the area and was called "Baghat4' or garden land.

Sibi has figured prominently in the annals of history due to its position lying on the mouth of Bolan, Mula and Harnai Passes. The towering and intervening hills kept it cut off from the rest of Balochistan and it appeared to have followed the fortunes of Multan and Karachi instead of Khorasan in the north. The area between Bolan Pass and Derajat is marked in the olden maps as Sewistan. According to the local traditions the area was ruled at that time by Hindus known as Sewas. These Sewas are stated to be connected with the Rai dynasty of Sindh. In the history of Alexander's invasions of India, the name of Sibi or Sibia tribe is mentioned. Prior to the advent of the Muslim rule in the area in the seventh century, Sibi seems to have formed part of extensive Hindu Kingdom on the Indus with their capital in Alor.

The first Muslim invasion is said to have been made under Mohammad Bin Qasim, an Arab general of Caliph Walid who took over the place during the reign of Dahir. Sibi formed part of Ghaznavid Empire under Mahmood in the beginning of eleventh century. It was one of the seven Kingdoms of Sindh during the time of Nasiruddin Kabacha.

According to the first proper census taken in 1901 the population of the town stood at 4551 of which 3166 were males and 1385 females. There were about one thousand houses and eighty shops. Its population today has grown considerably. The population of the town shot upto 23 337, males 12,620 and females 10,717 according to 1981 census.

Balochs and Pathans are the two main races which live in this historic town since centuries. Among the Balochs are the tribes of Rind, Jamalis, Khosas, Golas, Umranis and Khiloanis while among the Pathan tribes are Kakars, Pannis Tarins, Sanatia. Spin Tarins, Tor Tarins, Khetrans, Zarkhuns and Bokhari, Syed, Tarans, Chishtis and Ahmaduzai Syeds.

Most important buildings constructed during the British period, are the Residency, the Victoria Memorial Hall, which is presently known as the Jirga Hall built by public subscription in 1903. Government offices and residential quarters for officials, including those of railways, municipal buildings and dispensary, Barness School for Boys and Girls School, Gaisford Library, Ladies Hospital and Victoria Sarai, constructed by Sardar Sohbat Khan Gola, and is known presently after his name and two masjids and two 'dharamshala'. After the creation of Pakistan many more buildings were added to meet the increasing demand of this developing town. Besides other buildings, there is now a full-fledged fully equipped government hospital catering to the requirements of the entire area, another hospital for ladies, a maternity and child welfare centre, a veterinary hospital, a high school each for boys and girls and town committee buildings, and college.

There is also a mutton, fruit and vegetable market and a cinema house as well for recreational purposes and rest houses

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