
As the name indicates, Thandiani is supposed to be the coolest among the hill stations of Pakistan. The approach to Thandiani is from Abbottabad __ the gateway to almost all the beautiful places in the north.

Thandiani can also be reached from the Murree- Nathia Gali route, but it takes more time and the road is too winding. Thandiani is 31 Kilometers from main Abbottabad city and 25 km Thandiani-Nathia Gali crossing. The drive takes more or less 80 minutes from Abbottabad with lovely views on both sides of the road the road spans more than 4,000 feet above Abbottabad and is less winding. The condition of road is good and is metalled all the way. The whole of Abbottabad can be seen on provides a welcome relief. On the way along with tall and majestic pine trees. You come across groups of monkeys.

The major place on the way is Kalapani at Km from Abbottabad. It has a beautiful local dak bungalow Hule Ka Danna is about two kilometers north of Thandiani. It is one of the most beautiful glades in the region. Private buses and Suzuki vans are the only transport available. There are beautiful rest houses, roadside restaurants and other small shops, but these are very few in numbers to cope with the demands of tourists and visitors.

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