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Camp 2000

Hesley Woods, Chapeltown

Those who went on Camp 2000

11 of us went camping this year, as well as 1 Young Leader, 4 leaders and Rosie, one of the leader's daughters.

Our theme on camp was Pokemon.  The leaders were named after Pokemon Trainers and each patrol was named after a Pokemon.

We camped in tents but we used Jubilee Lodge for cooking and eating. 

We tried our hand at cooking on an open fire but we ended up finishing the food off in the oven!  I think we tried to cook too much food on 2 fires that were rather small!

Cooking on an open fire at Camp 2000

BMXing on Camp 2000

We did lots of activities including BMX Biking; Swimming; Assault Course; Canoeing and Archery.  The swimming pool was freezing - hence the lack of photographs - but the canoeing lake was a bit warmer.

Assault Course on Camp 2000

We got very dirty doing some of the activities.  The Assault Course was very muddy and we ended up taking showers fully dressed.  The BMX track was also muddy.

Doing the Dishes!

As well as having lots of fun, we still had to do our bit - like washing up.  Uurgghh.  And with Rosie to help us, we ended up wetter than the plates!!

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