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Camp 2002

Hesley Woods, Chapeltown

Members of Camp 2002

 The Leaders

20 of us went camping this year, as well as 6 leaders and Rosie, one of the leader's daughters.

Our theme on camp was The Wonderful World of Disney.   The leaders were named after Disney characters and the patrols were called Dalmations, Lost Boys and Aristocats.

Meal time in the sunshine

We took advantage of the good weather and we ate outside and did our washing up outside as well.

Washing the Pots

BMXing was good because we got to see the whole of Hesley Woods and act out a play at the same time


Climbing the Scramble Net

Crawling under the cargo net

The Tyres

The assault course was really fun and, because of the torrential rain we had during the week running up to camp, there was plenty of mud around.

The Dirty Half Dozen

As well as doing lots of physical activities, we also did a lot of crafts like painting plant pots

Doing some crafts

Our rendition of "The Cow Kicked Nelly" went down a storm at the camp fire

The Camp Fire

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