Banner featuring 83rd Sheffield Guides

Camp 2005

Hesley Woods, Sheffield

This year we had a District camp with the 14th Burncross Guides.  There were 40 Guides, 1 Rainbow, 2 Young Leaders, and 6 Guide Leaders!

We did lots of activities including Climbing, Archery and Fun Buggies.

Waiting to climb

Nearly There  Reaching High!!


Pull, Aim, Fire  What does this pedal do??

The weather was really hot and we had a big water fight

Water fight  Bombs away!

We ate all our meals outside

Eating  Eating

We did lots of activities but our favourite was Scoobies!!

Scooby Doo!!  Scooby Doo!!

We all slept in tents - there were about 14 of them

Is our tent tidy??

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