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Camp Cuisine

Here are some ideas for recipes that go down well on camp

Breakfast Cakes

Mix up a packet of instant mash potatoes and stir in some grated cheese and sweet corn.  Shape the mixture into small cakes and then fry until golden brown. Serve on their own or with baked beans.

Foil Cookery

Cut a large potato in half and hollow out both parts. Fill the larger part with baked beans and grated cheese or tomato and diced meat. Place the other part of the potato on top and wrap securely in foil (thick cooking grade foil) and bake.

Ranch House Stew

Chop 1 onion and fry in oil until it is soft.  Chop 2 carrots and add to the onions, along with a 400g can of stewing steak, a stock cube, 900ml water and 15 tablespoons of long-grain rice  Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Stir occasionally.

Sausage Stew

Skin and slice 1 onion and cook in oil until brown. Add a tin of meat soup (i.e. oxtail) and a tin of mixed vegetables. Stir until hot.  Add 8 sausages and summer for 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve with potatoes.

Things to do with Eggs
Add diced tin ham to scrambled eggs

Dip bread into beaten eggs and fry until golden brown. Serve with cheese and tomato sauce

Things to do with Leftovers

Dice some cooked potatoes and fry with onions until crisp and brown. A tasty addition to your breakfast.

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