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Candle Making

Materials: wax; wick; wax dye; a mould; mould seal; stearin; mould seal; cocktail stick; tin can; cardboard; wax perfume; thermometer

Make a hole in the bottom of the mould and thread the wick through it.  Seal the hole with mould seal.

Pull the wick tight and tie it with a cocktail stick.   Place this across the top of the mould.

Melt the wax in the tin can adding 10% of stearin and dye according to the instructions.

Pour the wax into the mould and add some drops of perfume.   As the wax cools, it will sink around the wick so top it up with extra wax.   Leave to cool.

When it is cold, remove the candle from the mould and trim the wick to about 1/4 inch.

Polish the candle.

To make a twisted candle, lay it down on a smooth surface whilst it is still warm and roll it out with a rolling pin.  Leave about 1 inch at the bottom of the candle to serve as the base.  Pick up the candle and give it a few twists, creating a corkscrew shape.  Then give it a final dip in hot wax and pop it in cold water for a short time so it will set.

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