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Christmas Crackers

Materials: 18cm length of cardboard tube; 2x13cm lengths of cardboard tube; crepe paper; glue; cracker snap; paper hat; joke; small prize; string

1.   Cut out a piece of crepe paper that measures 18cm x 40cm.  The grain on the paper should run lengthways.

2.   Place the longest tube in the centre of one long edge of paper, with the short tubes on either side of it

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3.   Put a line of glue on the opposite end of the paper and then roll up the tubes, keeping the paper tight.  Hold the cracker together until the glue dries.

4.   Now you need to fill the cracker.  Put the cracker snap inside, the prize, the motto and the hat.

5.   Tie two pieces of string around the cracker in the gaps between the short tubes and the long one.  Tie them tightly but use single knots that can be easily undone.


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6.   Stick a picture on the outside of the cracker and decorate it to make it look really special. 

-    use pinking shears to trim the edges of the cracker

-    cover the cracker with gold or silver sticky stars

-    glue a band of glitter around either end

-    tape a piece of ribbon around the middle of the cracker and add a stick on gift bow

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