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Hand Crackers

Materials: Cardboard (cereal packet weight); paper; glue

1.   Cut a square of cardboard, with sides of 20cm and a triangle of paper which has 2 sides of 20cm and 1 side of 28cm

2.   Glue on the 2 sides of the square as indicated in Step 1 and put the paper triangle on top.  Your cracker should now look like Step 2.

The steps to take to make a hand cracker

3.    Fold diagonally across the triangle, as indicated in Step 3

4.    Your cracker will now look like the one in Step 4.  You can decorate it if you wish.

5.    Hold the card corner i.e. the orange corner between your finger and thumb.  Use a sharp flick of the wrist to make a loud crack.

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