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Paper Quilling

Materials: a quilling tool (or a toothpick to wrap your paper around); strips of paper (or a paper trimmer if you want to cut your own paper)

1.    Roll the strip of paper tight, then let it uncoil as far is it wants to. Use a SMALL dab of glue to hold the end. Hold it until it's dry.

2.    To glue the curls to the page, put some into a dish and GENTLY put the bottom of your coiled shape in to the glue, then set it on the page. Be very careful to set it exactly where you want it, or the glue will make a mark on your paper.

Things to watch out for:

  -    Be sure that your coils are rolled evenly.

-    Don't use too much glue. You will see it on your paper and a surprisingly small amount really holds things down.

-    If you cut your own strips, inevitably some of them will be wider than others. Try to use the same widths for the same flowers. Overall, it won't be very obvious.

All rolls begin with a loose circle and are shaped by pinching one or both sides. Here are some basic scrolls for you to practice...

Picture of quilling - Remove roll from tool and glue end.

Picture of quilling - Remove roll from tool, let it loosen about twice its size and glue end.

Picture of quilling - Pinch one side of roll.

Picture of quilling - Pinch on opposite sides of roll.

Picture of quillingPicture of quilling Picture of quillingPicture of quillingPicture of quilling- These scrolls may be rolled from one or both ends. 


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